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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Why is Saudi Arabia Teaching Anti-West Hatred to its Kids?

Saudi Arabia is supposed to be a Moderate Arab Site, and our "good friend" in the Middle East. They don't generally act like a good buddy. Along with their OPEC friends they have driven up gasoline prices to the point that our economy has slowed down, when we asked them to come to the Annapolis conference they refused, and of course it is their version of Islam that grew into today's Islamofacist movement. Doesn't sound like a good friend to me. On top of it all, our "good buddies, the Saudis are teaching their Kids that The apes are the Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus" Read on to learn more about incitement of hate in Saudi Textbooks and what Rep. Sue Myrick wants President Bush to do about it:
Bush urged to address Muslim 'hate' in books

A Republican leader of Congress has urged President Bush to press the Saudi government to reform its textbooks during his visit tomorrow with Saudi King Abdullah.

In a letter to Bush, Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., founder of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, warned that the kingdom is still "spreading a dangerous ideology that attacked us on 9/11 and continues to threaten the United States and its allies around the world."

"I strongly urge you to raise my concerns regarding the use of textbooks that are sanctioned by the Saudi government for use within the country and around the world that preach hatred and violence toward non-Muslims and Western ideals of liberty," she said in the May 5 missive.

Despite Abdullah's post-9/11 promises of reforms, Saudi school texts used for Islamic studies still encourage violence and hatred toward "infidels," according to a recent comprehensive review by the Freedom House.

The nonprofit group says indoctrination begins as early as first grade and expands each year, culminating in a 12th-grade text teaching teens that their religious duty includes waging "jihad" against the infidel to "spread
the faith."

Here are relevant passages from the Saudi textbooks, by grade level:

  • First Grade: "Every religion other than Islam is false."
  • Fourth Grade: "True belief means ... that you hate the polytheists and infidels but do not treat them unjustly."
  • Fifth Grade: "It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in Allah and His Prophet."
  • Sixth Grade: "Just as Muslims were successful in the past when they came together in a sincere endeavor to evict the Christian crusaders from Palestine, so will the Arabs and Muslims emerge victorious, Allah willing, against the Jews and their allies if they stand together and fight a true jihad for Allah, for this is within Allah's power."
  • Eighth Grade: "The apes are the Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus."
  • Ninth Grade: "The clash between this (Muslim) community and the Jews and Christians has endured, and it will continue as long as Allah wills."

Myrick worries the hateful religious indoctrination could translate into violence against the West. Of immediate concern, she notes, are the thousands of young Saudi men scheduled to immigrate to the U.S. on student

The State Department plans to double the number of student visas issued to young Saudi men from 15,000 to 30,000 – despite the fact that nearly all of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals who immigrated to the U.S. on visas.

"We aim to increase their numbers to 30,000 over the next five years," U.S. Ambassador Ford Fraker last month told Saudi officials at the Al-Jouf Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In the past, a large number of Saudi students have failed to show up for classes, coast to coast, and have overstayed their visas. Many of them have been caught up in terrorism investigations.

"As more young Saudi citizens take part in the scholarship student visa program, we must be sure that we are not permitting Saudi citizens into our country who seek to do us harm, as we saw with the 15 hijackers from Saudi
Arabia who attacked us on 9/11," Myrick said.

The congresswoman also asked Bush to press the Saudi government to allow non-Muslim clergy to visit the kingdom as part of a reciprocal exchange under the U.S. R-1/R-2 religious visa program.

"I believe it is essential to a true dialogue between religions to allow clergy to come and speak to foreign audiences," she told the president. "No one should be prohibited from entering a country based on their religious

Myrick plans to introduce a bill to restrict R-1 religious visas for Muslim clerics who come from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other countries that do not allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy.

Since 9/11, several foreign imams have been prosecuted or deported for soliciting jihad, including a Pakistani cleric in Lodi, Calif.

Myrick also plans as part of her 10-point "Wake Up America" anti-terror legislative agenda to introduce a bill to cancel U.S. contracts to train Saudi police and other security forces in U.S. counterterrorism tactics until the Saudis certify the prosecution of designated al-Qaida financiers – such as wealthy Saudi businessman Yasin al-Kadi – as well as the detention of repatriated Guantanamo terrorists whom the Saudis have released back into the general population after being "rehabilitated."

Some Gitmo detainees repatriated to Saudi Arabia have rejoined the jihad against U.S. troops overseas.

"As we continue to work with the Saudi government, it is essential that they end their practice of exporting terrorism," Myrick said. "Reports claim that the Saudi rehabilitation program of released Guantanamo detainees conditions the release on agreement not to attack within Saudi Arabia."

"If true," she added, "this is obviously detrimental to defeating the jihadist ideology that inspires our enemies."

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