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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Shelach Lecha, Moses and the Spies are still Around.

There is that old internet joke that the Jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because, being a man, Moshe refused to ask for directions. Tomorrow those of us who will be in a Synagogue will be reading the part of the Torah that explains the 40 years in the desert. Its called Parsha Shelach Lecha.

For those of you who are familiar with Parsha Shelach Lecha you know that we wandered because Moshe WAS following directions--from Hashem. When the twelve spies entered the land to check it out, ten of them came back and "trashed" the land and God's promise of the Land. The people believed the ten spies and were punished. God commanded that we could not enter Israel until the entire generation of slaves died out. (except for the two "good" spies").

These days, all across the galut, there are Jews acting just like those ten spies. They are trying to trash the land and deny that God gave it to us as an inheritance. I am not implying here that any Jew that has a beef with Israel is like those spies. Just as any government that is ruled by people, Israel does some really stupid things sometimes that should be criticized.

I am talking about the Jews who are trying to de-legitimize Israel as a Jewish nation. The people you see at the Israel day parade in black hats, coats and payis holding "Israel is apartheid" signs is what I am getting at. People like George Soros who is funding Obama's 501 group efforts. Self haters such as Jeff Halper and Ken Roth of Human Rights watch or J-street, that new group designed to counter-act AIPAC.

These Neo-Ten Spies are trying to set themselves up as a legitimate alternate voice to the vast majority of Jews and maybe because of the Talmudic tradition of learning by debate and discussion we allow them to have a voice. But as you sit and listen to the Torah readers tomorrow, or if you just have a moment to think about it, remember that these are false prophets, also remember what happens to those who believe those false spies, you lose your dreams.

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