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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So, What's Wrong With Making Peace With Syria?

Some sources are saying that despite the saber rattling, Syria and Israel are pretty close to a deal. ANY deal with Syria right now would be a bad thing. Part of the reason is that Israel would be forced to give up the crucial defense position of the Golan Heights (putting Syria on top of Hills aiming down at Israel's major cities). Just as important is the fact that should a Israel/Syria Deal be realized, incredible pressure will be brought upon Israel to make an unfavorable deal with the Palestinian Terrorists. Ted Belman, the famous Israpundit lays the case out:

It looks like a peace deal has been cut with Syria

Bush gave a telling interview in Paris a few days ago in which he said

“When you go to the Middle East and you sit in my seat and listen, yes, there’s concern about the Palestinian state. But the dialogue has shifted dramatically from ’solve the Palestinian state and you’ve solved the problems in the Middle East’ to, now, ’solve the Iranian issue and you solve the problems in the Middle East’.”

And so it has.

The US strategy is to first get Syria sorted away and then work on Iran with the full cooperation of the EU.

If all this comes to pass as I have suggested, a peace deal will be forced on Israel, and the PA the terms of which may already have been agreed to between Israel and the US. Just today Condi Rice is interfering in negotiations between Israel and the PA by siding with the division of Jerusalem. So much for allowing the parties to negotiate final status issues.
Click here to read Ted's Entire Post

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