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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BBC's Continued Lies About Iraq

Lets face it, its been so long since the once prestigious BBC, has given a truthful report about anything, that it is impossible for them to discern between truth and falsehood. Con Coughlin, Foreign Editor for the Daily Telegraph blasts the BBC for its lack of a balanced coverage:
This is the same BBC, don't forget, that spent years saying that Britain went to war over Saddam's WMD. Despite all the furore of the Hutton investigation - which disproved that particular canard and heaped the greatest humiliation on the BBC in its entire history - the BBC now says Britain went to war over Iraq's oil...

We all like a good argument, but let's have one based on hard facts, not on assumptions and woolly-minded liberal thinking.
Con isn't done, read his entire piece below:

BBC's shameful anti-Iraq bias

Why is it that the BBC is totally incapable of delivering a straight good news story on Iraq? The news that the Iraqi government is opening its oil fields for development by international companies should be an occasion for rejoicing.

Iraq has the second largest known oil reserves in the world - and only about one third of the country has been properly surveyed. At a time when the world is desperately short of oil, and prices have hit an all-time high, Iraq could help alleviate the pressure on the West's hard-pressed economies.

The fact that the Iraqi government now feels it is strong enough to tackle this crucial issue also shows that the new, democratic Iraq is now finally emerging from the shadow of Saddam Hussein's thirty-year reign of fear.

But is any of this goods news reflected in the the BBC's coverage? - not a word of it. On the contrary Nicholas Witchell's report on last night's Ten O'Clock News was full of snide remarks about how oil was the reason we went to war in Iraq, and now the West is gleefully cashing in.

What I find incredible about this deep-rooted BBC bias to broadcast anything positive about Iraq is that it will find any excuse to put a negative spin on a story.

This is the same BBC, don't forget, that spent years saying that Britain went to war over Saddam's WMD. Despite all the furore of the Hutton investigation - which disproved that particular canard and heaped the greatest humiliation on the BBC in its entire history - the BBC now says Britain went to war over Iraq's oil.

Make your mind up, you BBC producers and correspondents. Was it WMD, or was it oil? And while we're at it, is Iraq still in the grip of "a full-blown civil war", as John Humphys never tires of informing his Today programme listeners?

We all like a good argument, but let's have one based on hard facts, not on assumptions and woolly-minded liberal thinking.

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