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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Barack Obama's Crappy Day-McCain's New Lipstick Ad

Yesterday was "one of those days" for the Obama Campaign. In fact it might have been the worst day on the stump for the Democratic Party since Michael Dukakis put on the helmet and posed inside a tank

It started off with Joe Biden saying that Sarah Palin didn't care about special needs kids because she does not support stem cell research using embryonic stem cells. Not quite the thing you say about a Mom of a child with special needs.

Then Biden asks a guy in a wheel chair to stand-up in front of a large crowd of people. An honest mistake but it still doesn't look good.

They closed out the day with the Lipstick remark. OUCH ! The video above is a commercial that the McCain put together overnight, using the Obama gaffe.

1 comment:

vrajavala said...

Also on another point, today in the Berg lawsuit against Obama, instead of Obama simply showing up with a vault birth certificate to dispel the rumors that he is not a "natural born citizen", he had his lawyers file to dismiss the case. Just prolonging the whole issue and giving us more suspicion that he is not a natural born citizen.