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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chuck Norris "Smacks Down" Arianna Huffington

My son is into those Chuck Norris Jokes. Today he asked me "Why is there no Chuck Norris toilet paper? Because Chuck Norris doesn't take any crap from anyone. He proved that on Larry King Live when he appeared with Professional Moonbat Arianna Huffington. The liberal nut job confronted Norris about the effect that the Iraq war has had on the federal budget. Chuck Norris unleashed a verbal karate kick that reduced Huffington to her natural state, looking like a complete whiny Idiot. I guess Huffington didn't see the news item about archeologists unearthing an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Chuck Norris"Read the report below and see Huffington get verbally smacked by the action hero:
Chuck Norris Smacks Down Arianna Huffington By Noel Sheppard
If you wanted a better understanding of why conservatives always beat liberals in a debate -- and why Barack Obama won't dare be interviewed by Fox News's Sean Hannity -- you to need to see Chuck Norris wipe the floor with Arianna Huffington.In what almost turned into a free-for-all on Wednesday's "Larry King Live," Norris demonstrated how little Huffington understands about the Iraq war, while proving that liberal elites like her, because of their position, are allowed to say and write whatever they want, regardless of factual inaccuracy, and do so with total impunity.

With that as pretext, prepare yourself for this well-deserved and truly delicious smackdown of one of the nation's foremost, holier-than-thou, liberal media elites:

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: ...if you are so concerned about the amount of money we're spending, you should certainly be concerned about the war in Iraq, because that's $350 million a day.

So would you at least say that it's time to bring our troops home, since, according to John McCain, victory is in sight?

CHUCK NORRIS: Well, let me ask you one question, Arianna, since you're very rich.

How many pages are there in the IRS tax code?

HUFFINGTON: This has nothing to do with the question (INAUDIBLE)...

NORRIS: Well, yes it does. I just asked...


NORRIS: I'm just asking you...

HUFFINGTON: (INAUDIBLE) -- to ask because every time you...

NORRIS: It's 66,498...

HUFFINGTON: Every time you talk about the...

NORRIS: ...pages, Arianna.

HUFFINGTON: Every time you talk about...

NORRIS: And who is the...


NORRIS: And who knows what's in that tax code?

You're the high priced tax accounts like what you have.

LARRY KING: No, but her question was about the money spent on Iraq. It was a fair question, Chuck.

Isn't that a lot of money?

NORRIS: It's a lot of money, but we're spending a lot of money everywhere. We're spending a lot of money on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And we're spending a lot of money that will probably wind up paying off the car dealers -- the cars and the airlines. I mean we're bailing everybody out.

And we can debate the question about whether we should be in Iraq or not Iraq, but we are there and we've got to take care of the situation there. I've been there twice, Arianna. I've done two tours over there. I know what's going over there. You haven't been there.

HUFFINGTON: This is really the most absurd response, because (INAUDIBLE) been to Iraq, I'm sorry to say, makes no difference compared to the fact that...

NORRIS: Yes, it does.

HUFFINGTON: ...if the president...

NORRIS: I've talked to the troops over there.

HUFFINGTON: If the president and John McCain and...

NORRIS: I've talked to troops.

HUFFINGTON: ...Sarah Palin...

NORRIS: And they believe that we should stay there until we finish the job, you know?

HUFFINGTON: Well, there are many, many...

NORRIS: You would pull tail and run.

HUFFINGTON: You know, there are many, many...

NORRIS: You know...

HUFFINGTON: ...people in the military (INAUDIBLE)...

NORRIS: But that's your liberal view, Arianna. You're so liberal.

HUFFINGTON: Chuck, you know what, let me just finish the sentence.

There are many people in the military who are deeply concerned about what's happening to our military. We are destroying our military. Suicide rates...

NORRIS: Not the military people I've talked to.

HUFFINGTON: Suicide rates...

NORRIS: I've talked to all the military...

HUFFINGTON: You know...

NORRIS: ...commanders over there.

HUFFINGTON: You know what...

NORRIS: ...and they don't feel that way, Arianna.

KING: Well, you're...

HUFFINGTON: If I were a member of the John McCain campaign, I would accuse you of sexism right now because you keep interrupting me.

NORRIS: Well, why?

HUFFINGTON: So let me just finish.

NORRIS: Because I'm backing Sarah Palin so I'm sexist?

HUFFINGTON: Let me just finish...

KING: I think, Chuck...

HUFFINGTON: Let me just finish one sentence.

KING: Chuck, I'm...

HUFFINGTON: ...and this is that what's happening to the American military is something that all of us need to be concerned about, as is the fact that...

KING: OK. Chuck...

HUFFINGTON: ...we are absolutely spending trillions of dollars.

KING: Chuck, if you haven't endorsed McCain and Palin tonight, you got me lost.

NORRIS: Well, the thing is, I'm leaning in that direction.

KING: I mean I have no hint that you're going to endorse Obama.


KING: No, I gather that.

NORRIS: He's not our leader. No. You know what. And I think the majority of the people will realize that. When the time comes to vote, I think the people will decide and know that that's not the man to lead our country.

Now THAT'S entertainment!

1 comment:

Roger W. Gardner said...

I just loved the way he dismissed Obama with that simple sentence:
"He's not our leader." Perfect. Better than a whole article.
Thanks for posting it.
Best wishes,
Roger G.