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Monday, September 15, 2008

Michele Obama's Cousin is NOT a JEWISH Rabbi

Liberal Jews are having a party ! Ever since the Daily Forward ran an article claiming that Michele Obama has a cousin that is a Rabbi they are throwing it in everyone's face "You See", They say, "Obama has a cousin that is Jewish, he HAS to be pro-Israel. There is only one problem. Obama's cousin is NOT Jewish. According to the website of the congregation they are a Hebrew-Israelite congregation.

The Hebrew-Israelite theology takes many forms. Some of them are Christian (they believe that Jesus was the Messiah), some believe that today's Jews are not the true descendants of the faith, some believe that they are from Edom, the nation formed by Jacob's brother Esau (in traditional Jewish theology, it is Rome that was descended from Esau, but some think that is just a swipe at the Roman Empire for destroying Jerusalem).

Either way, these are not Jews, nor are they descended from Jews. They believe that they are a complete and separate people that split off from the religion, 3,000 years ago. Actually the term "Jew" derives from the name of one of the two ancient Biblical Kingdoms, Judah. The ONLY connection that the Hebrew-Israelites have with the Jewish people is that they have adopted some of the traditions of Rabbinical Judaism (Modern Judaism).

Please note that none of this makes Obama's cousin a bad person, nor do I know if he is Anti-Israel, like his cousin Barack. But what it does do is make all of this nonsense going around the liberal-Jewish community, "Vote for Barak because his wife has a Jewish Cousin." Just that...Nonsense.

Why would a Jewish Newspaper promote this smoke-screen? The Jewish Newspaper that announced that Obama's Cousin was Jewish is the Forward. The Weekly Jewish newspaper the Forward is over 110 years old. But it really "cut its teeth" during the Great Depression in the 1930's. Back then the Forward was a major DAILY news paper with a circulation of almost 300 thousand. The Forward's editorial slant at the time was VERY SOCIALIST. In the ensuing 7+ decades, the Jewish Population as eased back into the mainstream...still mostly liberal but more centrist. The Forward, now a weekly is still living in the 1930's still on the extreme left side of liberalism...HEY GUYS WAKE UP--- SOCIALISM IS DEAD--ITS BEEN IN ALL THE PAPERS. Maybe the paper's refusal to move on from their socialists roots is why they take the EXTREME liberal position on just about everything... including Israel.

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