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Friday, September 5, 2008


I would suggest that the fact that Obama met with Bill O' Reilly just before McCain's speech points out the difference between the two candidates. If you remember, on the night Obama spoke at his neo-Roman Colosseum, the only peep out of McCain was commercial congratulating him for a job well done. The fact that Obama insisted that if O'Reilly wanted an interview it had to be on the night of McCain's speech showed his lack of class.The fact that Bill O'Reilly actually accepted his offer and gave the Illinois Senator a free shot at disrupting McCain's night showed Bill for the Hypocrite that he is. And the fact that the Fox Network assured Obama that Bill would go easy on him made Fox News as bad as the biased liberal media it criticizes.

For more on the issue, read the below From My Friend Pamela of Atlas Shrugs.


I think it disgusting that O'Reilly, who has been trying to get an interview with Obama for years, took the bait and agreed to interview Obama the night of McCain's speech. What a whore. Worse, they promised to go easy on him.

Why? Why serve Obama on McCain's big night. Murdoch serving his Saudi masters. We have seen these softball tactics, like handling a mental patient, on all the left stream media outlets when they interview Obama so why FOX on McCain's moment in the sun?

Obama and Fox News: 'Tentative Truce?' Sheffield, Newsbusters

As Fox News prepares to interview Barack Obama tonight during prime time, TV journalist Michael Wolff details a meeting between Barack Obama, Fox News president Roger Ailes, and News Corporation president Rupert Murdoch in which the Fox execs promised to lay off the Democratic presidential candidate.

According to Wolff's telling, this was more than a mere tete-à-tete, this was a full-on diplomatic meeting (initiated at Murdoch's request), conducted only after preparation and with preconditions from the Obama campaign.

The apparent purpose? To smooth things over in the event that Obama defeats John McCain:

Early in the summer that Obama relented and a secret courtesy meeting was arranged. The meeting began with Murdoch sitting down, knee to knee with Obama, at the Waldorf-Astoria. The younger man was deferential—and interested in his story [...]

Then, after he said his piece, Murdoch switched places and let his special guest, Roger Ailes, sit knee to knee with Obama.

Obama lit into Ailes. He said that he didn’t want to waste his time talking to Ailes if Fox was just going to continue to abuse him and his wife, that Fox had relentlessly portrayed him as suspicious, foreign, fearsome—just short of a terrorist.

Ailes, unruffled, said it might not have been this way if Obama had more willingly come on the air instead of so often giving Fox the back of his hand.

A tentative truce, which may or may not have vast historical significance, was at that moment agreed upon.

"A tentative truce?" A truce "which may or may not have vast historical significance?" What, exactly, does that mean? One hopes it doesn't mean that Fox News is going to start covering Obama the way their competitors, especially MSNBC, cover Obama.



Right Truth said...

Exactly. When I watched Obama's interview I knew something was wrong. It was so softball it was pathetic. Finally O'Reilly gets Obama in the hot seat and he kisses his rear-end. I am so sick of this.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Always On Watch said...

Well, doesn't this just figure!

But you know what?

I think that Obama's ulterior motives are being read, even by some of his on-the-fence supporters.

I also think that Obama may face defeat in November. I wouldn't have said that two weeks ago!