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Friday, October 17, 2008

FBI CAVES INTO CAIR Removes Honor Killing Designation of SAID Sister Murder by Father

Disgusting News From Pamela at Atlasshrugs:

Last week we were all surprised but elated when the FBI announced that they have labeled the murder of the Said sisters as an Honor Killing. CAIR, a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, protested. Now the FBI has gone DHIMMI, caving in to the terrorist group by withdrawing Honor Killing Designation of the murder of Amina and Sarah Said by their coward father.


FBI CAVES TO CAIR. Will those sweet, dear brutalized girls ever get justice? They died in vain.. The West failed them in life and the West has failed them in death

I reported a pig flying moment, in shock, when I joyfully posted here: PIG FLYING MOMENT: FBI "HONORS" AMINA AND SARAH SAID

Well color me happy, the FBI is finally calling it an honor killing. Get a frickin clue, it only took, what? 10 months? Now catch and execute to the terrorist son of a bitch father who tortured and murdered those girls. Why hasn't the mother from hell been arrested or the radicalized son who terrorizes family members that speak out? Both were accessories to their brutal murder. Sick, all of it. The FBI ought to put down the CAIR supplied Quran and get to work.

UPDATE: Un-indicted co-conspirator and Muslim Brotherhood front, CAIR, said the following:

"As far as we're concerned, until the motive is proven in a court of law, this is [just] a homicide," Mustafaa Carroll, the executive director of the Council of American-Islamic Relations in Dallas, told


WRONG! The dhimmi spineless, dickless FBI has flipped and caved to Islamic thuggery, the same thuggery that murdered these girls. the same Islamic thuggery that is murdering free speech. The FBI is infiltrated. They have pulled the description of HONOR KILLING from the Said honor killing murders/ wanted poster. The FBI CAVED TO CAIR "As far as we're concerned until motive is proven in a court of law, this is just a homicide".

Read the full story including Pamela's Phone Call to the FBI in Dallas by Clicking HERE

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