When I was working in the Television industry, Katie Couric was still just the cherubic happy face working on the Today show. My friends at NBC used to tell me that Couric was not a nice person, she just plays one on TV. Katie, they used to tell me is for Katie and only Katie. The viewers are just a necessary evil and their job is to catch and believe whatever she throws at them.
Since Couric left Today and moved to the CBS Evening News in her (successful) attempt to make us all forget how lousy Dan Rather was she has been able to drop the "sweet Katie" mask and play herself a nasty woman with no real desire to inform the viewers--her only priortiy is to grab headlines for herself. Her recent intervew with Governor Palin is a great example of this.
But what if the shoe was on the other foot, what would Katie be asked if she was being interviewed ? Besides where the *^&% do you get off....what "gotcha" questions would trip up a "news" reader like Katie? Dennis Prager has some answers below:
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