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Monday, November 24, 2008

Franken Team Caught Cheating AGAIN !!!

Typical of the way Minnesota is running this recount, a woman who worked as a Franken observer in one county, was caught working as a neutral counter in another. While most people would find this strange..this is Minnesota where the Secretary of State wants to "pay back" George Soros and ACORN. First they found 100 votes here, another 32 on someones car etc. Mr. Franken's "new" votes added up to all the changes for all the precincts in the entire state for the Presidential, Congressional and statehouse races combined.

Now its recount time and we find that a woman who was counting votes as the Franken representative in one county, acted as a neutral counter in another county.

Read the full story below:

Recount observer on two sides
Amy Dalrymple

BRECKENRIDGE, Minn. — A woman who worked for Al Franken earlier this week during the Senate recount in one county ended up counting ballots as a nonpartisan volunteer here Saturday in a recount that grew heated at times.

Maggie Vertin, who spent two days in Fergus Falls for Otter Tail County’s recount as an observer for Franken, was one of eight volunteers who assisted with the Wilkin County effort in Breckenridge.

Bob Westfall, who was in Breckenridge on Saturday as an observer for Norm Coleman, said he had concerns when members of his team learned a ballot counter had worked for Franken.

“I don’t understand how you can switch from being partisan one day to being neutral today,” Westfall said.

Vertin, who’s an election judge in Wilkin County, said she volunteered to help with the recount because she wanted to be part of the historic process.

The county had eight election judges — all volunteers — and three staff working the recount, in addition to the auditor.

Vertin, who lives in Breckenridge and has a cabin in Otter Tail County, said she was able to set her politics aside to help with the recount.

“I feel I can be completely unbiased,” Vertin said. “Everyone in this room is partisan to some degree.”

Otter Tail County Auditor Wayne Stein confirmed Saturday that Vertin worked for Franken during the recount Wednesday and Thursday.

For one day, she was a table representative and had the ability to challenge ballots, Stein said.

The second day she was a “roving representative” and could assist or advise other Franken representatives at any of the eight tables, Stein said.

He did not know how many of the six Franken challenges in Otter Tail County Vertin may have issued or been involved with.

Concerns about Vertin’s ties to Franken were not voiced during the recount process, other than some rumblings among Coleman observers.

After the recount, Wilkin County Auditor Wayne Bezenek said he didn’t know Vertin had worked for Franken’s campaign.

“Had I known that, she probably wouldn’t have been part of the team,” Bezenek said. “That would have been the right thing to do.”

However, Bezenek said he doesn’t have concerns about the integrity of the recount results.

Bezenek said he watched Vertin’s table closely because that table had many of the precincts with the most voters.

A Coleman observer who asked that his name not be used said he watched Vertin closely because of her Franken ties and did not see her do anything questionable.

Coleman spokesman Mark Drake said Franken’s campaign should explain what happened.

“The situation raises very serious questions and very serious red flags,” Drake said. “I think Minnesotans demand that there’s a firewall between these campaigns and what neutral observers are doing.”

Franken representatives in Wilkin County said they were not allowed to comment on the recount.

A Franken spokeswoman did not return a call seeking comment.

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie said he was not familiar with what occurred in Wilkin County, but he has confidence in the county election officials.

“It’s not my job to second-guess county election officials,” Ritchie said Saturday.

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