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Saturday, November 1, 2008

OMG ! Obama Supporting "Kos-sak" Adopts Nazi-Like Tattoo

One of the most disgusting sights in the world is a number tattooed on someone's arm. Its disgusting because it invokes memories of how the Nazis dehumanized people.

The Nazis tattooed prisoners in the camps because it was one of their ways to make them feel inhuman. They tattooed you and made you like everyone in the camps. They tattooed you so it was easier on them to count prisoners and keep track of you. They chose tattooing because they knew that Tattoos were banned by Jewish law. What they didn't realize is that Jewish law also realizes that there were things out of peoples control. Tattooing the arms of their concentration camp victims was just one more way of torturing them.

Now on the Daily Kos there is a story of an Obama Supporter getting number tattoos in honor of their Hero. Folks if Obama wins this is our future:

I got myself a souvenir, to remind me I can push myself further than I thought I could go.

There's a lot to love about doing GOTV. Maybe you have a cool canvass partner, maybe a walk through a neighborhood of pretty houses on a beautiful day. Maybe you have one of those incredible conversations with someone on their doorstep -- maybe an immigrant proudly tells you in halting English that he is now a citizen and is so excited to get to vote for the first time, maybe you actually change someone's mind, or even just plant an idea you can see they'll be thinking over for a while. Maybe there's the thrill of finally getting to log onto Daily Kos and tell your friends you, too, were out there working to elect Democrats.

But even if you can't find a way it's fun, if you really believe we need Barack Obama to be president, need 60 in the Senate, need a progressive majority in the House that isn't constantly undermined by the Republican-Blue Dog alliance, then you need to find a way to push yourself.


AmPowerBlog said...

I have met Holocaust survivors, and they would be appalled to see something like that...

Miss Beth and Carla said...

What on earth does "204" mean? This is beyond insanity!

Freedom's Cost said...

The insensitivity, the thoughtlessness of the Obamunists, portends a dark sky over this country's future should the good Senator from Illinois win (lawfully or unlawfully) the Presidency this coming Tuesday. Her tattoo is an insult to the memory of the six million Jews murdered by Hitler's hordes, as well as to millions of survivors who had numbers tattooed as cattle are branded by the Nazi oppressors. During WWII, 50,000,000 (civilians and combatants) lost their lives in Europe, including thousands of American soldiers.

By tattoing herself she shows her utter ignorance of history and her total lack of understanding of political realities. Yet... is unwittingly telling about what is about to happen, if Obama gets to occupy the White House.

Autumn Haven said...

it is seriously disturbing. I remember a man at the church I used to attend as a teenager...I never did know his story, but I saw the numbers on his arm. I never asked for fear of what I might find out.

These people doing this need to be slapped.

Amy Jo

Unknown said...

I as well knew an older woman who was marked as such, by the Nazis, while she was a young child. A very sweet woman. I will not forget what evil does exist in the world.

Bryan said...

That picture is very disturbing, and whats worse is that none of the craziers over at D Kos even bothered to question that tattoo. This is giving us a glimpse of whats to come.