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Friday, November 7, 2008

Rev. Wright Blames it ALL On The Media

Like most Bullies the Reverend Jeremiah Wright knows that when in trouble...blame someone else. On Thursday Night President-Elect Obama's former spiritual mentor spoke in front of an audience in Connecticut and tried to explain his hate speech away by saying it was all the media's fault. Sorry Rev. there is tons to blame the media for but you "ain't" one of them. Its not the media's fault that you are a hate-monger. Read the full story below:

Obama's former pastor says media exploited him

MILFORD, Conn. - Barack Obama's former pastor complained Thursday that the media used him as a "weapon of mass destruction" in an attempt to derail Obama's campaign for the presidency.

Speaking at a forum about race and religion, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright accused the media of taking out of context videotaped clips that showed him making anti-American statements from the pulpit of the Chicago church where Obama had worshipped for 20 years.

The videos, which included Wright thundering "God damn America!", dominated cable television for weeks. The public outrage that followed caused the president-elect to sever ties with his longtime spiritual leader.

Wright told an audience of about 200 people at the forum that he was trying to convey the anger and desire for vengeance that people felt after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He said the media failed to mention that he was a proud Christian who was raised in a Christian home.

"Their intention was to use me as a weapon of mass destruction, to tear down that man's integrity," said Wright, former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

In a question-and-answer session with the audience, Wright said he didn't believe Obama shared his opinions publicized on the videos.

"Do you agree with everything your pastor says?" he asked. "Ninety percent of the people sitting in church don't agree with everything their pastor says. What I saw is not an index on what he did or does not believe."

Wright's comments were a stumbling block for Obama's campaign. In an impassioned speech about faith and race, the Democrat at first expressed support for Wright, saying that "I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."

But six weeks later during a speech at the National Press Club, Wright offered eyebrow-raising opinions about the U.S. government, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and hinted that Obama was distancing himself from the pastor for political expediency.
The next day, Obama said he was outraged and denounced Wright's remarks.


Shadowbrook Smith said...

I am sorry Yid. You need to take some time and read the prophets of your Jewish Bible. They said far worse damning things about Israel then Jeremiah Wright said about the U.S. The prophets were killed for it. Israel wanted to hear the message of prosperity and success. The messages God sent to Israel however were the messages of woe based on Israel's bad acts.

I understand why the media did not understand Wrights words. The prophet is the one that calls out the king to act in more ethical ways. The king does not always agree with the prophet and sometimes the prophet speaks in exaggerations and hyperbole. Wright is right about what he said. The U.S. like Israel will fall if it doesn't recognize its unique responsibilities in the world. Israel represents the greatness of God in the world only when it does God's bidding.

Unknown said...

Sorry I have read the prophets, you should try it. Make sure you read them in their original Hebrew so you can understand their intended meaning. Not something that wash translated to Greek, then Latin, Then English.

Not one of them had messages like Wright . Not one of them made up stories like Blaming people for creating aids, not one of them would have ever said something like GODDAMN America. Sorry, Not one of them would have made up lies about the Nation of Israel, like Wright did, the Prophets told their people to start following the Torah, observe Shabbat, and give to charity. Wrights message is hateful and divisive. NOT ONE PROPHET HAD A HATEFUL AND DIVISIVE MESSAGE like Jeremiah Wright.
and by the way, if you are going to quote me scriptures, do it in the language they were written in Hebrew,