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Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama's Nuclear Umbrella Has Too Many Holes

So the President-elect has come up with his idea to protect Israel from an Iranian nuclear attack, THE NUCLEAR UMBRELLA; its Obama's gambit to prevent Israel from preemptively striking Iran's nuclear facilities:

Haaretz, quoting an unnamed source, said the Obama administration would pledge under the proposed "nuclear umbrella" to respond to any Iranian strike on Israel with a "devastating U.S. nuclear response."

Its just like the Cold War -remember MAD? Mutually Assured Destruction, it kept the Cold War Cold. Both the US and Russia knew if one side was met with a crippling nuclear barrage, it would still have enough weapons to retaliate just as bad. In this case, if Iran destroys Israel, the US will destroy Iran.

Interesting theory, with only one problem IT WON'T WORK. Just the concept of the Nuclear Umbrella shows how naive the President-elect is about Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad DOESN'T CARE IF IRAN GETS DESTROYED IN A NUCLEAR EXCHANGE:

Ahmadinejad is convinced that he has been chosen by God to hasten the Mahdi's (Islamic Messiah) return. The way to achieve this goal for the Iranian president is the occurrence of a nuclear Holocaust. And this is why it is so vital for Ahmadinejad that Iran acquires a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately many people in the West miss that point, while this proves beyond any doubt how serious and determined Ahmadinejad is about getting the Bomb.
The nut Job has this inferiority complex started because of his father's "low station" in life
his mother's name is Sayeed Khanom, which indicates that she is a descendant of the Prophet; but his father's pedigree is much less glorious. His name was originally Sabarian, which is most certainly an Arabic name (an insult for most Iranians).Interestingly his father whose first name was Ahmad changed his family name to Ahmadinejad, which could translate in "of the race of the prophet" since Ahmad was one of the multiple names used by the prophet

"Sabarian is NOT an Arab name but an Armenian name which means non-Muslim assuming this is a good transliteration which it probably isn't." Think about that, his mother the glorious position of a descendant of Mohammad, dad had the inglorious position of marrying way above his station. Papa must of had a tremendous inferiority complex, and I am sure that little A-mad-shithead learned from his dad's insecurity (I believe its called prophet-envy)
Ahmadinejad was a close associate of Ayatollah Malahati, who was among the people that set up Iran's terrorist activities.Malahati reportedly supervised the Oct. 23, 1983 Beirut terror attacks against the U.S. Marines and French soldiers barracks that killed 241 U.S. servicemen and 58 French paratroopers.

In his new role Ahmadinejad allegedly planned assassinations in the Middle East and Europe of opponents to the regime, such as the Kurdish leader Qasselou in July 1989 in Vienna.

The guy has a real taste for blood. But its worse than that. You have a guy who's mother descended from the prophet, a dad trying to make up for the fact that he is the Iranian version of trailer trash and what you end up with is a nut job with a Messiah Complex:

In September 2005, during his speech at the United Nations, Ahmadinejad said that he saw all the heads of state gathered blinded by a divine light while angels were circling above his head! [in college we called that really good acid]

Ahmadinejad adheres to the Hojjatieh's interpretation of Shiism which holds a very messianic and apocalyptic view of the world. It actually predicts a period of universal chaos before the return of the Mahdi (the 12th imam, also known as the hidden imam).

Interestingly even radical Ayatollah Khomeini banned Hojjatieh Shiism in 1983, but it was recently revived. Ahmadinejad sees politics as the "continuation of war by other means." When asked by students to define "what's the most beautiful for a Muslim on earth," he answered very matter of fact: "To kill and be killed."

Ahmadinejad is convinced that he has been chosen by God to hasten the Mahdi's return. The way to achieve this goal for the Iranian president is the occurrence of a nuclear Holocaust. And this is why it is so vital for Ahmadinejad that Iran acquires a nuclear weapon.

Are we scared yet? I am. This guy thinks he is supposed to bring on the "end of days" and the only way to do that is to kill millions of people. So Mr. President-elect, do you think he really cares if you nuke Iran, as long as he gets to start the end of the world, what does he care?

Source for the above quotes: Ahmadinejad's past tells it all

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