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Friday, January 23, 2009

From The Idiots Who Are Prosecuting Geert Wilders

The Netherlands, the country that is prosecuting persecuting Gert Wilders for exercising free speech has decided to allow American Islamic hate monger, Khalid Yasin into the country to orate across the country.

Khalid Yasin has been quoted as:
  • Advocating the death penalty for homosexuality
  • Claiming the HIV virus was deliberately engineered by Western governments,questioning the existence of al-Qaeda and its involvement in the 9/11 attacks
  • Asserting that the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings were justified in the light of a history of Western oppression of Islam
Here are some of his most special quotations:
"There's no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend. If you prefer the clothing of the kafirs over the clothing of the Muslims, most of those names that's on most of those clothings is faggots, homosexuals and lesbians...The Koran gives a very clear position regarding homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality - that these are aberrations, they are immoralities and if they are tried, convicted, they are punishable by death."
"Osama bin Laden is not everywhere, omnipotent. ... where's Osama bin Laden? That would warrant $68 billion in 17 countries hunting him and everyone in their houses being afraid of this kind of Osama bin Laden bogey man. This is a creation ... in order to justify a war they call on terror but is really a terror they have put inside the people. It is a war against Islam... There has been no evidence that has surfaced, no bona fide irrevocable, irrefutable evidence ... that there is a group called al-Qa'ida that did the September 11 bombings. I'm of the opinion there was a rogue operation that took place."
An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus, 63,000 gallons. Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus... I don't say [that AIDS was created] by the US Government. I say there were at least five governments that acted in complicity
 Source: Khalid Yasin: The new voice of Islam?

I guess this is how it works in the Netherlands If you call Gay people "Faggots," or say terrorism is justified that is NOT hate speech and you are welcome into the country.

If you LIVE in the country, work for its benefit as a member of the legislature, and try to protect your country and others by using the words of the Koran to show people what Islam is all about, THAT IS HATE SPEECH !?!?!. Strange country.

To read the entire article about the visit click below
Radical Muslim preacher welcome in Rotterdam

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1 comment:

Christopher Logan said...

Once again Western leaders show that Muslims can roam across their country preaching hatred, but no one can talk about it in response.
Do they even know that they are supporting the enemy by going after Wilders?