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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Harry Reid Hypocrisy--> Move to Seat Franken

Am I missing something.  Didn't we just go through a month-long farce because Harry Reid didn't want to seat Roland Burris without the signature of the Secretary of State. In fact he said that NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE SENATE has anyone been seated without that signature of the Secretary of State.

Seems Senate Majority leader has forgotten all about it.  The Minnesota Secretary of State has not placed his signature on the appropriate form and will not certify either Coleman or Franken, until the Coleman Law suit is settled.

So what has happened to all those years of Senate tradition? Out the window. There is no signature but Harry Reid wants to Seat Al Franken anyway:

Senate Democrats move toward seating Franken 

WASHINGTON – It's no joke: Senate Democrats are moving toward letting comedian Al Franken join the chamber while Republican Norm Coleman's election lawsuit is pending.

"We're going to try to seat Al Franken," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told reporters on Wednesday, a few hours before he posed with Franken for photos just off the Senate floor. "There's not a question in anyone's mind, an assertion by anyone, that there's been any fraud or wrongdoing in this election."

Coleman's lawyers are challenging the results of the election and the re-count in a trial set to begin in state district court on Monday. A three-judge panel that will hear the case is considering Franken's argument to dismiss it altogether.

Franken finished the re-count ahead by 225 votes. But Coleman's campaign said it will push for a review of all 12,000 absentee ballots that were not counted in the race. Coleman's attorneys said the new proposal could bring as many as 7,000 ballots to the race.

Reid did not say when Franken would be seated provisionally, but he said the two were meeting to hash out the agenda and Franken's committee assignments.

Not so fast, said Republicans.

"If Al Franken truly believes he won this election, he should respect the laws of his state and allow this legal review to be completed," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

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