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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama's Mid East Envoy Doesn't Know Difference Between Right and Wrong

In the words of the great Bette Davis "Fasten Your seat belts...."

The appointment of George Mitchell as Mideast envoy is just the first official step in President Obama's promise to present Israel to the Arab world on a silver platter. Mitchell doesn't get it on so many levels. First there was Mitchell’s comparison of the Middle East to the British Conflict with the terrorists in Northern Ireland.

But there is so much more that Mitchell doesn't get. Mitchell does not believe that morality or right and wrong should come into to play in negotiations. Or to put it another way, if George Mitchell was King Solomon, the poor baby would have been cut in half. Mitchell places equal blame on Israel and the terrorists for the Middle East conflict. Just take a look at some of the things he said in April 2001 in the infamous "Mitchell Report:”

“Israel and the Palestinian Authority must act swiftly and decisively to halt the violence,” not the Palestinian Arabs must end their suicide bombings and terrorism, Israel has committed no terrorism against the Arabs.

“Neither party exercised restraint at the beginning of terror war in September 2000.” But George it was a terror war. Arafat was sending terrorists to commit mass murder how about placing blame where it belonged...the terror.

“Israel and the Palestinian Authority should reaffirm their commitment to existing agreements and should immediately implement a cessation of violence.” Israel has fulfilled most of their commitments, the Palestinians have not.

“The Palestinian Authority and Israel should work together to establish a “cooling off period” and implement additional confidence building measures.” Cooling off? Stop the homicide bombings and everything would have cooled off.

“The Palestinian Authority and Israel should identify, condemn, and discourage incitement” Hard for Israel to do at the time since it was virtually all on the Palestinian Authority side.
“Palestinian Authority and Israel should undertake to preserve and protect holy places sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians.” Give me one example where Israel didn't do that. Palestinians have destroyed Jacob's Tomb, Trashed Rachel's Tomb and other Jewish holy sites.

“Leaders on both sides must act and speak decisively to reverse dangerous trend of sense of futility and despair and a growing resort to violence. They must rekindle the desire and drive for peace.” Israel has been seeking peace. Both Fatah and Hamas still call for the destruction of Israel. Both Hamas and Fatah still engage in terrorist acts to this day.
“Parties must protect human rights.” Human Rights!?!? Only one side sends rockets into civilian areas. Only one side send people into the middle of Passover Seders to blow up dozens of people. That same side uses its own children as human shields.

End the cycle of violence.” He sounds like Bill Hemmer with that most ignorant of phrases, "cycle of violence." So when the US went in to Afghanistan after 9/11 was that cycle of violence?

“Both sides expressed concerns about hateful language and images emanating from the other, citing numerous examples of hostile sectarian and ethnic rhetoric in the Palestinian and Israeli media, in school curricula and in statements by religious leaders, politicians and others.” One problem Only the Palestinian side has the hateful language in their curricula, etc. George, just because both sides say it doesn't mean it’s true. The Palestinians also say that the Holocaust never happened does that make it fact?

“Each side mistrusts the other, believing that it really doesn’t want peace.” It’s the Palestinians that have shown little interest in peace, all Israel has done is a long series of one-sided concessions.

Then there were the unfair criticisms of Israel in his report like:

He demanded that “Israel must freeze all settlement activity, including “natural growth” of existing settlements. So children of Jewish people in those areas can’t live near their parents? Maybe it is just racism. Only Jews can’t live in Judea and Samaria.
He said that “settlements violate the spirit of Oslo,” Wrong!!! George you need to re-read Oslo. There was no mention of settlements being frozen in the Oslo agreements that Arafat signed.

Mitchell’s report demanded that “Israel lift closures, ensure that security forces and settlers refrain from destruction of homes and roads, trees and agricultural properties in Palestinian areas. These measures have disrupted the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs.” Israel would be happy to do that just as soon as the terrorists stop using the trees, roads and homes to hide in while shooting at Israelis.

“Israel appears not to comprehend the humiliation and frustration that the Palestinians endure everyday as a result of living with the effects of occupation, sustained by the presence of Israeli military forces and settlements in their midst.” I can answer that with one word, disengagement. We know how that helped to make peace.

He said, “The widely seen images of the killing of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura in Gaza, shot as he huddled behind his father, reinforced the perception that Israel had contempt for the lives and safety of Palestinians.” True and the Wizard of Oz reinforced contempt for witches and flying monkeys. The only difference is that the Wizard of Oz was a fictional book before it was a fictional movie. Just as real as the Wizard of Os Muhammad al-Dura was not a book first.

He said, Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount (September 2000) “was poorly timed and the provocative effect should have been foreseen.” Yes that makes sense, because only Jews are not allowed to enter Judaism’s Holiest Site.

George Mitchell is exactly what Barack Obama wanted and what the 78% of Jews who voted for Obama promised would never happen.

Source the Mitchell Report


Unknown said...

Noam two points about your comment first you forgot to read what it says in the leave your comment box:

Anonymous Comments Will Be Deleted. That includes those people whose PROFILE HAS NO E-Mail

Second point is ..I dont back off for anybody... Sorry, you can be a dhimmi and an appeaser, I try to fight for what I believe is right. You can disagree all you want but NEVER tell me that I dont have a right to speak

rutimizrachi said...

Nice point-by-point. One suggestion: “Neither party exercised restraint at the beginning of terror war in September 2000.” But George it was a TERROR WAR. Arafat was sending terrorists to commit mass murder how about placing blame where it belonged...the TERROR."

How about placing blame where it belonged: the Arabs. Terror is merely their favorite weapon-of-the-day. To be "fair," one could say "the Arab terrorists."

houdini said...

I have never put any faith in Obama doing the right thing. Just as his rise was quick, so will the fall be.

Having been right on many things (Bush et al), I know Obama is not going to let me down.

I look forward to the fall of the American Idol in eager anticipation - he does promise many months of "interesting times".

Ashan said...

Very cynical Of The One to appoint Mitchell. He's of Lebanese extraction, and is therefore not objective. He was appointed to be a diplomatic brickbat against Israel. But we, who were not lured by the Hopenchange siren song, all know whose side The One and his henchmen are on.

Now I read that Bibi will not form a rightist coalition, but rather a "centrist" one. Given that, huge troubles lie ahead for us here in Israel.

Carol_Herman said...


You can't guess the future by looking backward. George Mitchell is 76 years old. And, he's not going to destroy Israel. If he were? Why would Turki come out so upset that he threatened Obama not to repeat Bush's behaviors; which left him sick.

Something happened at the UN. Because when Olmert got Bush on the phone, Condi's signature was withdrawn from #1840. Then? She goes to the saudi deligates and "apologizes."

So I guess somebody stole da' cheese?

You'll never get the truth out of diplomats. And, you'll never satisfy the settlers. Even Bibi, ahead, has to compromise.

And, then? How stable will Bibi's government be? What will voter turnout look like on February 10th?

Obama, to be successful, needs to appeal to MORE VOTERS. He doesn't have enough, yet. And, if you think "doing stuff" for the arabs makes sense; I'd disagree.

Years ago I saw it with my own eyes. I saw a businessman, obviously arab, opening a deli type market on Rosemead Blvd. Right here in Pasadena. Right next to Trader Joe's. And, in 6 months I never saw a single customer walking into his store!

People in America are very tight with their pocketbooks. Yes, lots are silent. Doesn't mean they're going to be taken for a ride.

Yes, there's a lot of racism among arabs. There are those who can't quite wrap their heads around a Black man winning the presidential race. Nope. I can't help them.

What will happen ahead? I have no idea. But IF George Mitchell thinks he can "get an agreement" by playing tough with Israel, he not only doesn't know Israelis, he hasn't as yet met Rahm Emanuel.

Pushing and shoving are nothing new to Israelis!

And, most of the time with diplomats they just want good food and wine. And, the crisis can wait. They just want the photo ops.

Diana said...

carol, I hope you're right--but I suspect that it will get worse--much worse. Obama's appointment of Samantha Power (whom he had to fire because of her anti-Israel propaganda speech during the campaign but has now rehired as a senior foreign policy adviser) shows his bad faith...even more than Mitchell.

If we don't stop appeasing, civilization as we know it will be ending in a generation or two.