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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Its NOT OVER Still Time To Stop This SPENDAPORKULUS Stimulus Bill Call !!!

The Senate was convening to vote only minutes ago. They decided not to vote until Saturday or Sunday. This means they don’t have the votes. WE CAN STILL STOP THIS!!! Please get involved.

Please use (and save) this link The Our Country Deserves Better PAC put together this database, complete with super-secret, non-published email addresses of the top staff for each U.S. Senator. It is the BEST list I have seen. PLEASE - get to work contacting the Senate offices ASAP. Please redouble your efforts and make phone calls, send FAXes, and send emails to as many U.S. Senators and their staffers (who will report to them which way the wind is blowing) as you can physically contact this weekend. In terms of effectiveness, phone calls and FAXes are most important, followed by emails.


News reports indicate there may be an effort to pass the nearly $1 TRILLION pork-laden "stimulus" package TODAY. We've got to take immediate action to tell the Senate to VOTE NO on the "stimulus" plan.

The staff of the conservative group, Our Country Deserves Better Committee, has put together a database of phone numbers, FAX numbers and emails for each Senator. See the listing here:

Please, contact the two Senators from your state and then if you are able to do so, please work through the rest of the list as well. And then forward this along to your friends, post to your blog or website as well!

In terms of effectiveness, phone calls and FAXes are most important, followed by emails.

NOTE: We are making updates (adding staff emails, etc...) and will be posting updates to our website:


Allison said...

GOOD ONE!! I just call it the "spendulus".

Unknown said...

Unlike the dhimmicrats I am willing to compromise. Lets call it Spendaporkulus

Findalis said...

You could call them donkeycrats like I do.

Tried to call, but the phone lines were jammed, their email was bouncing and still they don't get it.