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Monday, February 9, 2009

Mr. Obama, Speak First at Touro

H/T Atlas Shrugs

As you may know, President Barack Obama intends to travel to a Muslim Capitol to deliver an address.  Here is a modest proposal, perhaps before he travels to symbolically address the entire Muslim world, he should go to Touro Synagoge, the oldest in America, and symbollicaly address the Jewish World.

During a visit to Newport, R.I., in 1790, a year before the Bill of Rights was ratified, President George Washington received a letter from Moses Seixas, warden of the Touro Synagogue. Here is a small excerpt of Washington's reply.
May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.

G. Washington

This is America's roots and a good indication of just how far we've strayed off the reservation. Dr. Andrew Bostom urges Mr. Obama before his planned speech in a Muslim capital, ......" to address the world's Jewish community, and condemn the jihad-inspired antisemitic violence fomented by esteemed Islamic religious institutions, including notably, Cairo's Al Azhar University. And I can suggest the ideal venue-redolent with American history-where you should make this statement: Touro, America's first Jewish synagogue, located in Newport, in my beloved home state of Rhode Island."

..While several commentators, particularly Charles Krauthammer have noted how Mr. Obama's self-flagellating apologetics distort and sully the actual historical record of US actions vis a vis the Muslim world over the past three decades, I was struck by another alarming incongruity: the complete absence of any comparably expressed concerns by the new President for a much more beleaguered and vulnerable people, worldwide -- the Jews.

Read the rest of the story here:

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