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Monday, March 30, 2009

Louis Farrakhan's New Putrid HATE SPEECH

Louis Farrakhan is a cockroach, a blight upon the earth. I thought we were done with this man of hate last year when he gave what he said was his last public speech. But he continues to defame the very ground he steps on.

This SOB has been inciting people against Jews his entire life. And he hates white Americans as much as he hates Jews. The nicest thing he ever said was that Judaism is a gutter religion. His other preachings of hate include:

Saviours Day, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/06 These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of the world and bringing you down in moral strength.It's the wicked Jews the false Jews that are promoting Lesbianism, homosexuality. It's wicked Jews, false Jews that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic! 

Is Jerusalem surrounded by armies now? [Crowd: yes, sir!] These neocons and Zionists have manipulated Bush and the American government and our boys and girls are dying in Iraq and in Afghanistan for the cause of Israel, not for the cause of America! Israel is the tail wagging the dog, which is America. You may not like me, and I really don't give a damn. I'm throwing the gauntlet down today
Minister Farrakhan Is 'At It Again, at this years Saviours' Day convention, the Nation of Islam Hatemonger spewed a brand new rancid discourse. Here are some of the highlights.
Israelis are "Liars, thieves, murderers" who have "taken the position of God" and are out to "kill everybody."

"When the people of Gaza were being slaughtered, the pro-Israeli lobby sent messages to the House and the Senate of words that they wanted them to use, gave them the language, and now you have bipartisan support. And there's not a vote that the pro-Israeli lobby wants that doesn't get bipartisan support. Why? Because the Israeli lobby controls the government of the United States of America."

"You cannot deny the pro-Israeli lobby and get reelected. Ask Cynthia McKinney. Ask David Hilliard. Ask our mayor in Oakland, California. Ask Percy, the former Senator. Ask Jimmy Carter. You can't criticize, you can't say nothin' because if you do, you're branded as an anti-Semite."

"Why, U.S. Congress, will you not speak? It is because you fear a lobby that has money and influence that will turn you out of your seat? So you're terrorized. That's why you don't act for the American people that sent you to Congress. You are not their representative. You are the representative of the money and interests that have bought your soul."
And then he tried to give validity holocaust deniers:
"… you can't even engage in constructive argument over the veracity of the figures of the Holocaust. We know something happened, sure, but you can't talk about [it]. In certain cities in Europe they arrest you and put you in prison for denying such."

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