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Monday, April 27, 2009

Abbas: No Negotiations Till Israel Gives Us Everything We Want

Well this should make negotiations go much quicker. Palestinian President and "Moderate Terrorist, Mahmoud Abbas said yesterday that there will be no negotiations until Israel agrees to return to the pre-Six-Day-War Borders.  Previously he has said that he will not recognize a Israel as a Jewish State, Israel must agree to give the Temple Mount to the Palestinians, and that Israel must agree to a Palestinian right of return. In other words, give us everything we want, then we can talk.  Folks, this kind of talk proves that there will  peace will not happen in the near future, because the Palestinians don't want it

'Israel defined by '67 borders, no more'
Apr. 27, 2009 Staff and AP , THE JERUSALEM POST

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a tough speech on peace-making Monday, saying that Israel was defined by the borders it had before the Six Day War and no more.

In previous talks, negotiators had discussed the idea of a land swap that would enable Israel to keep some West Bank land.

Abbas also said Monday that a complete settlement freeze was a prerequisite for resuming talks and that he would not give in to possible Israeli or international pressure on the Palestinians to resume negotiations even if such construction continues.

"For sure, we won't submit to pressures. For example, if they say 'come and then we'll see, come.' No, we won't accept. Regarding the peace talks, this is our position, even if someone, if anyone in the world, says 'you're wrong,'" he said.

The PA president also rejected Israeli demands that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, saying it was not his job to define the state of Israel.

"Name yourself, it's not my business," he said. "All I know is that there is the state of Israel, in the borders of 1967, not one centimeter more, not one centimeter less. Anything else, I don't accept."

On Sunday evening, Abbas urged the United States to push Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government into accelerating the peace process.

Speaking to a Jordanian television station, Abbas questioned the US commitment to peace in the Middle East and warned Israel that if it refuses to make peace with the Palestinian people, it will be responsible for destabilizing the security and politics of the entire region.
On Rubin's Report there is a great overview of the real status of the "Two State Solution"
Click here for the full scoop:Dissolving in the Two-State Solution


What is "Occupation" said...

Abbas correctly thinks that the tables have turned...

Israel has been defeated...

The sword of Islam now flies over the White House...

The Jews MUST be Dhimmi'd

Laser said...

Abbas said that Israel was defined by the borders it had before the Six Day War and no more.

Why don't we say that "Palestine" is defined by its borders before the Six-Day War?

mrzee said...

For most of 1967 the "border" was right where it is now, so that part shouldn't be a problem.