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Monday, April 27, 2009


My Friend Pamela who runs Atlas Shrugs gets all the breaks. She agrees to help run the free speech Summit in Del Rey Beach Florida and she gets the wonderful Honor of being attacked by the terrorist supporting organization CAIR.
He is shown with Pamela Geller, another conference sponsor, whose blog features categories such as "Advancing Islamic Lies," "Islam 2008: Religion of Barbarism" and "Slavery: An Arab custom." Geller has even been criticized by other Islamophobes for her extremism and for supporting far-right groups in Europe. She is currently involved in an Internet "flame war" over her support for an upcoming "Eurofascist" conference in Europe
CAIR is not very forgiving when it comes to free speech, or anybody who tells the truth about the groups affiliations with Hamas and other terrorist efforts. Pamela wears the CAIR attacks as a badge of honor, as she continues to fight against Honor Killings, Creeping Sharia, and the Hypocrisy of groups such as CAIR.

Dang I am very jealous, I have never gotten attack by CAIR only by the NY Times. What does a guy have to do to get some venom?  I guess I need to try harder.  In the meantime below is some of the highlights of the Free Speech Summit:

From Atlas Shrugs

Pamela and Wilders. His speech stopped us cold. Watch the vids as soon as they upload.
Nidra Poller and Allen West. Poller was wonderful when she spoke. "The unacceptable has become the inevitable". And West? He's my candidate for President.
Tom Trento

Pamela and Lord  Pearson - he made a powerful speech. Lord Pearson was the warrior who invited Wilders to speak and show Fitna at the House of Commons. Wilders was unable to appear, as he was banned by the dhimmi Jaqui Smith after Muslim Lord Nazir Ahmed threatened 10,000 rioting Muslims in the streets.
Wilders, Fleur Agema - an MP as well and vice-floor leader (she is  the number two in the party) - and Allen West.
Lady Pearson
A wondrous night in South Florida. Free thinkers and free speechers converged on the magnificent beach and listened to leading lights in the fight for our lives. Trento, Poller...
The inspiring Sam Solomon
The free world rests in the hands of these brave warriors - Frank Gaffney, foreground, Solomon, Wilders.
Adam hasner pamela geller
Rep. Adam Hasner, who came under enormous intimidation from un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR for participating in this conference. Brave politicians - we need an army of Hasners.
Pamela Has the videos on her site Click here to see them


Anonymous said...

I can understand your jealousy and disappointment. You've only been attacked by the bankrupt New York Times. Sorry about that but I'm sure that with a little more effort CAIR will put you on their s**t list too. :)

Ya gotta admit that she's also better looking then you are. Hmmmm, is CAIR making a fashion statement???

You're doing a great job and I enjoy all your posts. Keep it up.



Mitra Nath said...

Excellent article Sammy! I've also posted this to my facebook so as many people as possible can see that we still do have a thing called "free speech."