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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Maybe Congressional Democrats Are Illiterate?

This past February, in  a stunning disregard of their fiduciary responsibilities to the American People, the Congress voted on a stimulus bill that they hadn't read. This one bill that single-handedly increased the national debt by 160%.  The bill was over 800 pages, and the members of the House received the bill at 11 pm the night before they were to vote on it. The vote couldn't be delayed because Nancy Pelosi was going on vacation to Italy.

This past Friday the House Energy committee passed the "cap and trade" energy tax bill. The legislation was over 900 pages, once again the people voting for the bill hadn't read it. (see video).

If they read it these Democrats might realize that not only will the bill do nothing to help the environment, it will hurt the US Economy. According to the National Black Chamber of Commerce this bill will have a devastating affect on the economy including:

  • Reduce national GDP roughly $350 billon below the baseline level;

  • Cut net employment by 2.5 million jobs (even after accounting for new "green" jobs);

  • Reduce earnings for the average U.S. worker by $4,309 per year.

  • Once again the Democratic Party is pushing through a bill without allowing it to be read. It could be however, something else. Maybe the Democrats aren't putting party before country, maybe they aren't ignoring their fiduciary responsibility. There is another possibility, just maybe the Democrats aren't reading the bill because they can't read.

    Illiteracy would certainly clear many of the weird things that have been happening with this congress, the passing of major legislation without even reading it. Hey, it even explains Nancy Pelosi's water boarding crisis, maybe it was a Power Point presentation, and they told her about water boarding in a written slide and she just couldn't read it.

    Yeah that's the ticket, the Democratic members of congress aren't stubbornly ideological, its not even that they are ignoring all of the historical evidence that their proposals are going to hurt the economy, No its just that they can't read.  Maybe we can put a congressional reading program in the next stimulus bill, now that's a government program I can get behind.

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