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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

President Barack Obama is a Cowardly Bully

Bullies are Cowards.  Like that big kid in school that used to beat up the fat boy who couldn't run but would never confront anyone who would fight back. Unfortunately bullies have been around forever. They are even in the bible. Jews are commanded to always remember the bully:
Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you came out of Egypt, 18 how he attacked you on the way when you were faint and weary, and cut off your tail, those who were lagging behind you, and he did not fear God
Today the President had an opportunity to speak out against the strong and protect the weak.  When facing situations similar to the protests going on in Iran, other Presidents who spoke out.

When Poland declared martial law during the "Solidarity" revolt President Reagan said:
The Polish nation, speaking through Solidarity, has provided one of the brightest, bravest moments of modern history. The people of Poland are giving us an imperishable example of courage and devotion to the values of freedom in the face of relentless opposition. Left to themselves, the Polish people would enjoy a new birth of freedom. But there are those who oppose the idea of freedom, who are intolerant of national independence, and hostile to the European values of democracy and the rule of law.

Two Decembers ago, freedom was lost in Afghanistan; this Christmas, it's at stake in Poland. But the torch of liberty is hot. It warms those who hold it high. It burns those who try to extinguish it.
When the Soviet empire was collapsing President George HW Bush Said
"For more than forty years, America and its allies held communism in check and insured that democracy would continue to exist. And today, with communism crumbling, our aim must be to insure democracy's advance, to take the lead in forging peace and freedom's best hope, a great and growing commonwealth of free nations."
But with people taking to the streets in Iran, President Obama put his head in the sand:
"I do believe that something has happened in Iran," with Iranians more willing to question the government's "antagonistic postures" toward the world, Obama said "There are people who want to see greater openness and greater debate, and want to see greater democracy," he said during a Rose Garden news conference......
"It's not productive given the history of U.S.-Iranian relations to be seen as meddling," Obama said.
President Obama is not willing to confront the obviously faked election or say anything in support of those in Iran who are fighting for their rights.  But that doesn't mean that the President is adverse to any conflict.  Like all bullys he has confronted those who are either too weak or too polite to answer. Here is a few examples of the people he has spoken out against as President:
  • Retired Teachers and Cops who's pension funds were the primary investors in Chrysler.
  • The People at AIG who received contractually obligated bonuses.
  • Bob Basso, the guy who made those Tom Paine videos.
  • Our Number one ally in the Middle East, Israel.
  • Former President, George W. Bush.
Avoiding the strong, and speaking out against those who will not or can not respond is the mark of a cowardly bully. Barack Obama fits that profile perfectly. He should be ashamed of himself for not sticking up for the people of Iran. Many of us are ashamed for him.


Carol_Herman said...


Michael Totten had a report, today, that got posted up at InstaPundit; so it's making the Internet rounds. Bypassing the dead-tree media; the same way hitler bypassed the Maginot Line.

Winners are usually able to out-fox bullies. And, in one of Totten's clips you see what happens to the police who ride in on motorcycles. The crowds first response is to open. But then? The sheer numbers The sheer numbers.

As to Obama, he's already fired Dennis Ross for failing to warn him of iran's unhappy people.

So Cairo? Just like Dubya said to Brownie, at the WH response to Katrina: "GOOD JOB, BROWNIE," was a bit premature as a compliment. It began, instead, Dubya's downward spiral. Popularity? Comes and goes. So to speak.

Totten should be read; no matter how you go about finding him on the Net. Among other things, he predicts that the heavy-handedness of the mullahs in iran has actually KILLED ISLAM! Really!

You need people who believe to make your religion hold together. It's not even enough just to have the pope all dressed up and putting on shows at the Vatican. People walk away quietly.

And, different stories bring down different houses.

Obama is wrong because he hasn't blasted the THEFT of this election! Ahmadinidad came in THIRD. 3rd. Not first.

So, all Obama does is prolong the amount of time the iranian election gets to swing in the wind.

How Nixonian. Watching the flagpole to see what flies.

PWC Immigration Policy Watch said...

Very good point. If you are the President of the United States of America, you need to stand up for our Values and Ideals. A strong message to the World that we the People of the USA and our Government stand behind the people of Iran who seek Freedom, would be a great message to send out today.