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Friday, July 17, 2009

More Lies From the People Who Give You Obamacare

There is a reason the President is pushing so hard to get his Obamacare passed as soon as possible. With each passing day people are deciphering many of the lies in his heathcare rhetoric like:

As the saying goes, "put that in your pipe and smoke it." On second hand you better not smoke anything, because even if you don't get sick from smoking, or the increased tax burden from supporting twelve million people who have entered the United States illegally, you may get sick from the lack of coverage you will get. Because Obamacare will add such a large quantity of people to the heath care system, some nameless bureaucrat in Washington DC  will have to choose who gets what care. Your family member who needs that treatment might have to forgo a lifesaving procedure because it was given to someone else.

Are you angry enough to call your congressman about Obamacare, in case you are not there yet, here are some additional lies from the people who give you Obamacare, these from Investors Business Daily shows how some of the basic premises behind the bill are just simply untrue:

• America has a health care crisis.

No, we don't. Forty-seven million people lack insurance. Of the remaining 85% of the population, or 258 million people, polls show high satisfaction with the current coverage. Indeed, a 2006 poll by ABC News, the Kaiser Family Foundation and USA Today found 89% of Americans were happy with their own health care.

As for the estimated 47 million not covered by health insurance, 20 million can afford to buy it, according to a study by former CBO Director June O'Neill. Most of the other 27 million are single and under 35, with as many as a third illegal aliens.

When it's all whittled down, as few as 12 million are unable to buy insurance — less than 4% of a population of 305 million. For this we need to nationalize 17% of our nation's $14 trillion economy and change the current care that 89% like?

• Health care reform will save money.

Few of the plans now coming out of Congress will save anything, says the CBO's current chief, Douglas Elmendorf. In fact, he says, they'll lead to substantially higher costs in the future — costs that will be "unsustainable."

As it is, estimates for reforming health care range from $1 trillion to $3.6 trillion. Much will be spent on subsidies to make a so-called public option more attractive to consumers than private plans.

To pay for it, the president has suggested about $600 billion in new taxes, meaning that $500 billion to $2.1 trillion in new health care spending over the next decade will be unfunded. This could push up the nation's already soaring deficit, expected to reach $10 trillion through 2019 without health care reform. Massive new tax hikes will probably be needed to close the gap.

• Only the rich will pay for reform.

The 5.4% surtax on millionaires the president is pushing gets all the attention, but everyone down to $280,000 in income will pay more. Doesn't that still leave out the middle class and poor? Sorry. Workers who decline to take part will pay a tax of up to 2% of earnings. And small-businesses must pony up 8% of their payrolls.

The poor and middle class must pay in other ways, without knowing it. The biggest hit will be on small businesses, which, due to new payroll taxes, will be less likely to hire workers. Today's 9.5% jobless rate may become a permanent feature of our economy — just as it is in Europe, where nationalized health care is common.

• Government-run health care produces better results.

The biggest potential lie of all. America has the best health care in the world, and most Americans know it. Yet we hear that many "go without care" while in nationalized systems it is "guaranteed."

U.S. life expectancy in 2006 was 78.1 years, ranking behind 30 other countries. So if our health care is so good, why don't we live as long as everyone else?

Three reasons. One, our homicide rate is two to three times higher than other countries. Two, because we drive so much, we have a higher fatality rate on our roads — 14.24 fatalities per 100,000 people vs. 6.19 in Germany, 7.4 in France and 9.25 in Canada. Three, Americans eat far more than those in other nations, contributing to higher levels of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

These are diseases of wealth, not the fault of the health care system. A study by Robert Ohsfeldt of Texas A&M and John Schneider of the University of Iowa found that if you subtract our higher death rates from accidents and homicide, Americans actually live longer than people in other countries.

In countries with nationalized care, medical outcomes are often catastrophically worse. Take breast cancer. According to the Heritage Foundation, breast cancer mortality in Germany is 52% higher than in the U.S.; the U.K.'s rate is 88% higher. For prostate cancer, mortality is 604% higher in the U.K. and 457% higher in Norway. Colorectal cancer? Forty percent higher in the U.K.

But what about the health care paradise to our north? Americans have almost uniformly better outcomes and lower mortality rates than Canada, where breast cancer mortality is 9% higher, prostate cancer 184% higher and colon cancer 10% higher.

Then there are the waiting lists. With a population just under that of California, 830,000 Canadians are waiting to be admitted to a hospital or to get treatment. In England, the list is 1.8 million deep.

Universal health care, wrote Sally Pipes, president of the Pacific Research Institute in her excellent book, "Top Ten Myths Of American Health Care," will inevitably result in "higher taxes, forced premium payments, one-size-fits-all policies, long waiting lists, rationed care and limited access to cutting-edge medicine."

Before you sign up, you might want to check with people in countries that have the kind of system the White House and Congress have in mind. Recent polls show that more than 70% of Germans, Australians, Britons, Canadians and New Zealanders think their systems need "complete rebuilding" or "fundamental change."

• The poor lack care.

Many may lack insurance, but that doesn't mean they lack care. The law says anyone who walks into a hospital emergency room must be treated. America has 37 million people in poverty, but Medicaid covers 55 million — at a cost of $350 billion a year.

Moreover, as many as 11 million of the uninsured qualify for programs for the indigent, including Medicaid and SCHIP. But for some reason, they don't sign up. Are they likely to sign up for the "public option" when it's made available?


MarySue said...

While they are busy lying to us about how much we all want this piece of garbage legislation, they are doing their level best to prevent us from knowing what the heck they have in store for us. I heard Laura Ingraham tonight on O'Reilly talking about a mandatory counseling session with medicare patients to assist in "treatment decisions." Basically they are talking non treatment decisions that will save them money and end our lives faster, I guess out of some distorted sense of Patriotism or something. I searched the House bill and sure enough this provision is in there.

14 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish a shared decision making
demonstration program (in this subsection referred to as
the ‘‘program’’) under the Medicare program using patient decision aids to meet the objective of improving the
understanding by Medicare beneficiaries of their medical
treatment options, as compared to comparable Medicare beneficiaries who do not participate in a shared decision making process using patient decision aids.

Some government counselor will come to the home with power points and brochures to help you make the "right" decision. Funny how in abortion cases, counseling leads to a denial of the woman's right to choose but here counseling is necessary for you to make the choice. This is obscene.

Anonymous said...

This is a very concise article filled with a lot of great ammunition to take on the liberal spin machine. Read it twice and thought everything was valid except the line about 89% liking the healthcare system. There are millions of people out there who believe Obama no matter what he says and are dissatisfied because they can get nearly the same level of healthcare for "FREE." There are a lot of lemmings out there, let's not forget. But rhetorically, I get your angle. Best, RJ

Bart said...

I admire your creative bending of information: you grab a set of loosely related measurements and use them to support a very subjective conslusion.

This one is a gem: "Today's 9.5% jobless rate may become a permanent feature of our economy — just as it is in Europe, where nationalized health care is common."

Also nationalized health care makes people drive smaller cars, be less fat, start less wars and like soccer..

Im going to submit this page to the Americans Are Stupid database, thx!