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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

SENATOR Obama Whined About Bush Rushing Through Legislation

Just where do we get off for complaining that President Obama is rushing legislation through congress?

Well we go the Idea from Senator Obama. Back in 2004 the novice Senator appeared Air America's Randi Rhodes Show

The interview (soundtrack above) uncovered by Naked Emperor News, has Obama complaining the Bush administration was rushing legislation through congress without giving the legislators time to read the bills or allowing for much debate. Gee, now where have I heard that before....

Now that he has become president, Obama has become a champion of the "ram through" strategy. Read the partial transcript below:
BARACK OBAMA: ...When you rush these budgets that are a foot high and nobody has any idea what's in them and nobody has read them.

RANDI RHODES: 14 pounds it was!

BARACK OBAMA: Yeah. And it gets rushed through without any clear deliberation or debate then these kinds of things happen. And I think that this is in some ways what happened to the Patriot Act. I mean you remember that there was no real debate about that. It was so quick after 9/11 that it was introduced that people felt very intimidated by the administration.
I am not sure if this is a case of hypocrisy by the POTUS, Karma for the GOP or both, either way its the American People who are the big losers. 
H/T Newsbusters

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