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Friday, August 28, 2009

Desmond Tutu Spews More Rancid Hatred

Around the world Desmond Tutu is thought of as a powerful peace maker and one of the people who helped bring down South African apartheid. All that is true, but there is one fatal flaw in the Tutu's Character, he hates Jews, and I don't mean he is anti-Israel (which he is) but he hates Jews. Here are some examples:
People are scared in this country [the US], to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what? For goodness sake, this is God’s world! We live in a moral universe. The apartheid government was very powerful, but today it no longer exists. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic, and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end they bit the dust (Source:Monday April 29, 2002, The Guardian UK)
Tutu accused Jews of exhibiting “an arrogance—the arrogance of power because Jews are a powerful lobby in this land and all kinds of people woo their support,”(Jewish Telegraphic Agency Daily News Bulletin, Nov. 29, 1984)
Speaking in a Connecticut church in 1984, Tutu said that “the Jews thought they had a monopoly on God; Jesus was angry that they could shut out other human beings.” In the same speech, he compared the features of the ancient Holy Temple in Jerusalem to the features of the apartheid system in South Africa. (Hartford Courant, Oct. 29, 1984)
After his call for "forgiving Hitler" (Jerusalem Post, Dec. 31, 1989) Tutu remarked, “If I’m accused of being anti-Semitic, tough luck,” and in response to questions about his anti-Jewish bias, Tutu replied, “My dentist’s name is Dr. Cohen.” (Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Response magazine, January 1990)
Yes Tutu and some of your dentist's best friends are bigoted Bishops.

Tutu is back in Israel this week on a fact finding mission and he is spewing more hatred in the name of peace making:
“The lesson that Israel must learn from the Holocaust is that it can never get security through fences, walls and guns,” Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu of South Africa told Haaretz Thursday.
Less than a week ago, I spent a full day in the US Holocaust Museum. Tutu is wrong here. What you learn is that every country that had the opportunity to save the Jews before/ and during the Holocaust didn't lift a finger. You see they didn't want more Jews in their country. What Israel and the Jews should have learned from the holocaust is that no one will protect the Jews, except the Jews.
Commenting on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement in Germany Thursday that the lesson of the Holocaust is that Israel should always defend itself, Tutu noted that “in South Africa, they tried to get security from the barrel of a gun. They never got it. They got security when the human rights of all were recognized and respected.”
Lets talk about "respecting the human rights of all." I wonder what Tutu is talking about? The Christians who's stores are being blown up in Palestinian-controlled Gaza? Maybe he means that Arabs are allowed to vote and even serve in Israel's Knesset.  After all being part of the government is a burden that no one should have to bear.

Like most Anti-Semites, Tutu blames everything on the "power of the Jewish Lobby"
“ I once met a German ambassador who said Germany is guilty of two wrongs. One was what they did to the Jews. And now the suffering of the Palestinians.”

He also slammed Jewish organizations in the United States, saying they intimidate anyone who criticizes the occupation and rush to accuse these critics of anti-Semitism. Tutu recalled how such organizations pressured U.S. universities to cancel his appearances on their campuses.

“That is unfortunate, because my own positions are actually derived from the Torah. You know God created you in God’s image. And we have a God who is always biased in favor of the oppressed."
 Sorry Desmond, if you had really read the Torah, you would know that the Holy Land and Jerusalem belong to the Jews.  You would also know that God warns us about the evil people who put their children through the fire, the way the Palestinians send their children off to Israel so they could blow themselves up.

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