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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pay No Attention to The Obama Behind the Curtain

You may remember this video published here on Sunday, using the President's own words to show that his real health care objective is a single payer system:

Note if you can't see the videos below Click Here to read the post Online

Apparently the Drudge report picked up the story also. For some reason they drove a lot more people to the video then, The Lid did. So when the White House went on the attack they went after Drudge:

Linda Douglass, former ABC News reporter,is basically saying, Pay No Attention to the Obama Behind the curtain, accusing Obama's critics of lying about the President by using words that came directly out of his mouth. She uses more recent presidential comments, the ones he is using to sell his plan and distract from its real intentions.

They would never show something like this:

For standing up to the Propaganda of the President of the United States, The Who Did Obama Bully Today award goes to the second most famous Yid with a Lid (in my house) Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report.

Now Mr Drudge and anybody else feel free to look at the video below, one of the funniest anti-Obamacare commercials I have seen:

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