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Monday, September 14, 2009

CHUTZPAH !!! ACORN Asks US Government for More Cash

In his book, Joys of Yiddish Leo Rosten defined Chutzpah as "A boy, having just been convicted of murdering his parents, begs the judge for leniency because he is an orphan. A modern example may be ACORN, the corrupt community organizing group.

 Remember those 14 states where ACORN is being investigated for voter fraud, that did not deter the government from giving the community organizing group. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) called for a probe of the Democrat's favorite voting fraud group. Admittedly his call for an investigation was shocking because of the fraud testimony indicated a relationship with the Obama campaign. A few weeks later the the Congressman announced that he was forced to give up the fight by "The Powers that Be," implying that senior party members stepped in to protect the democratic party associated criminal enterprise.

After two days in a row of revelations that ACORN was willing to help people create a child prostitution ring, the department of the Census canceled their controversial contract with ACORN. Today a third tape was released--in another city. More revelations are promised.

Not caring in the least, ACORN  filed for another 6 MILLION in federal grants:

ACORN wants another $6 million despite scandals
 Kevin Mooney

An ACORN affiliate has just submitted applications for over $6 million in government funding, despite the controversial videos of the organization’s workers aiding a child prostitution “promoter.”

Employees with the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) in Washington D.C., Baltimore and Brooklyn told uncover investigators posing as a pimp and a prostitute how they could circumvent the law. ACORN has already fired four of the workers. But it claims the tapes have been “doctored” and “edited.”

A third video implicating the ACORN workers was released today. Meanwhile, the ACORN Institute, one of many ACORN affiliates, has applied for over $6 million in grant money for broadband projects. ACORN and it various affiliates have received at least $53 million in federal funds, since the 1994.

The Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) have announced that they have received about 2,200 applications requesting nearly $28 billion in funding that applies to all 50 states and Washington D.C.

This funding included as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It has been set up to “help bridge the technological divide and create jobs building Internet infrastructure,” according to the NTIA.

ACORN Institute has filed two separate applications with the Commerce Department. One in the amount of $3,172,042 and the other in amount of $2,999,903.

The grant description reads as follows:
“The Digital Empowerment Project bridges the digital divide in low-income and minority populations by promoting adoption through grassroots outreach, training participants in computer centers; and providing in-home computers and broadband access. This approach is based on research-driven practices and ensures an efficient and scalable effort to facilitate broadband in disadvantaged populations.”
The person in charge of the program that ACORN is trying to get money from is David J. Villano, Assistant Administrator Telecommunications Program.  If you would like to contact him and tell him what you think of ACORN getting additional federal funds, his Email is and his office phone number is (202) 690-0525. Feel free to contact him politely and tell him what you think.


Libertarian Advocate said...

Hahaha... After all those years living in the ignorance of believing that it was Alan Dershowitz who invented that most apt illustration to explain the true meaning of my favorite Yiddish term. Well, I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise that Dershowitz would claim it as his own; He is a Democrat.

Jeremiah Films (Wayne) said...

I've Linked to Obama Proxies • ACORN from Jeremiah Films site.

CHUTZPAH! OK, I did not have a word for it. Thump! really does not speak to the action, It is merely a reaction.