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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Holy Cow, The Liberals are Correct, I AM A RACIST !

The Joe Wilson controversy has made me do some soul searching. After examining the 6,000+ posts written over the past few years and conducted some deep self-reflection, there is just one conclusion, they are correct...I am a racist.
  • Because I was concerned that Barack Obama associated with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, I am a racist.
  • Because I think that Joe Wilson's "you lie" comment was true, but they way he said it and the venue he said it in was inappropriate, I am a racist.
  • Because I am worried that the Health Care plans pushed by President Obama will diminish the quality of health care for my children and end up raising their taxes too, I am a racist.
  • Because I think Jimmy Carter is a horse's ass for defending President Obama by calling his detractors racist, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe that David Letterman is no longer funny because all he does is "suck up" to Barack Obama, I am a racist
  •  Because I believe that in exposing some of the scary people around President Obama like Science Czar John Holdren or Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein , Glen Beck is performing a great service to America, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe Barack Obama has surrounded himself with Anti-Israel advisers such as Samantha Powers, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe that the Stimulus bill created by Nancy Pelosi and pushed through by Barack Obama was bad for America, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe My Congressman, Steve Israel, is wrong when he keeps voting for the President's agenda without reading the bills, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe that "news reporters" who blindly advocate for the President like Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric and Keith Olbermann, are defaming the memory of real reporters like Edward R. Murrow, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe that Congressman Jerrold Nadler is wrong to stop congress from investigating ACORN, I am a racist.
  •  Because I think that Wade Rathke set up ACORN as a multi-pronged criminal enterprise, I am a racist.
  • Because I believe that President Barack Obama was correct when he called Kanye West a jackass, I am a racist.
By now you must have seen what I saw upon self-reflection.  If not, look at the names in bold. The people above that I knocked all have one thing in common. They all have Caucasian mothers.

You see, upon self-reflection I have determined that I must be a racist, I must hate everyone who has at least one White Parent.

Oh and one more, Because I think that I am a racist, and I too am Caucasian, I  Sammy Benoit am a racist.


Rose said...

Yeah. If we disapprove of Obama, we must be racist.

It couldn't be because of his Chicago-style politics (which we hate no matter the color of the man involved).
It couldn't be his lack of legislative experience, the fact that he really was a do-nothing junior Senator.
It couldn't be that his voting record was the most liberal in the Senate, or that he voted "present" too many times.
It couldn't be his approval of killing botched babies, who managed not to die in an abortion.
It couldn't be his dishonesty.
It couldn't be his ties with Rezko. Ayres, Wright... that list is endless.
It couldn't be his cynical use of piety, and churchgoing in order to appear to be something he is not.
It couldn't be his appointing extreme radical leftists and tax cheats.

That's only part of the picture... we could add a hundred more to this list, and at the end, yeah, one in a million people might actually not like him because he is black, just like some may not like Hillary just because she is a woman... but Jimmy Carter demeans his fellow citizens, his people, the ones he was supposed to be a representative for. We're smarter than that, kinder than that, more tolerant that that, and more discerning that that.

Jimmy Carter is disgraceful beyond belief.

mrzee said...

If I thought Jimmy Cater was a horse's ass long before I ever heard of Obama, I'm I still a racist?

Oxmyx said...

Great post! You've summed it up perfectly.