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Monday, November 30, 2009

Its that Silly Little Politically Correct Holiday Season

It happens every year at this time: the battles of political correctness. When community puts up a Christmas tree, one of two things happens. Either there is a battle to take it down totally or someone fights to get a Chanukia (that's the real name not Menorah), Kwanza Candles or a symbol of some other religion's holiday placed right next to it. Then, Fox news follows by running stories about the latest battle in the "war against Christmas," and the ACLU starts suing any town who's Mayor ever went to a Church, Mosque and/or Synagogue.  Hey ACLU give it up (America is a Christian country).

People who look toward December as an opportune time for the celebration of politically correct multi-culturalism have to stop! I understand that people are trying to be fair, but it just doesn't make sense....
Please read the rest at American Thinker by Clicking Here, and please leave a comment there and let me know what you think.


Unknown said...

I don't know whether it is amusing or sad that the people who make the most noise about Chanukah totally misunderstand the nature of the holiday and what it celebrates. They try to reinterpret (or misinterpret) it as a politically correct attempt to fight for "freedom of religion". The modern PC concept did not exist then. The hellenists were attempting to highjack Judaism and replace it with their version of paganism. In fact, the Romans had a method to take over the religions of the people that they conquered by identifying their gods with the Roman pantheon. The Syrian/Greek Hellenists were trying to do something similar in order to take over Judaism. It is similar to what many missionaries are trying to do today and we are still resisting them. If they were in modern times, they would have enlisted the ACLU and claimed that they were fighting for the "freedom" to observe their "religion" and accuse religious Jews of being like the Tal-i-ban. It is only the fact that it happened so long ago that lets people (conveniently) "forget" what really happened.

Daniel said...

din't forget festivus

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Coolio, dude! Once AGAIN, "American Thinker"!



A'Esquecida said...

kwanza....that nebulous celebration for 'black folk' founded by a convicted rapist who poured bleach down the throat of his victims!