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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

DISGUSTING!!!: Congressman Grayson Tells Former VP Cheney to S.T.F.U. on TV

Look it was bound to happen, I just didn't think it would happen so soon. The clown prince of the Florida Congressional team finally slid all the way into the sewer. It started back in the end of March when Neil Cavuto made mincemeat of him during an interview (see video below).

That's when Grayson began his slide downhill.

First there was his comment, “If you get sick, America, the Republicans’ health care plan is this: Die quickly.

Next, appearing on MSNBC, he said of former Vice President Dick Cheney: “I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he’s talking,” he also called Fox News the enemy of America . and then on a radio interview he called a female adviser to the Federal Reserve chairman “a K Street whore." That one forced him to make a formal apology.

Those previous incidents were just warning signs, that the first term congressman's brain has finally begun from the extreme damage caused by the Cavuto interview.

Today, Grayson appeared on Hardball this evening, and let his putrid venom "all hang out"  He told former Vice President Dick Cheney to "STFU,"  and speculated that gasoline would only cost a dollar per gallon if former President George W. Bush had let Saudi Prince Abdullah "get to second base"  (see video below), even Host Chris Matthews told him to watch his crude language.

Ever since George Bush was elected President, the Democratic Party lost all sense of decorum and began to use language about Republicans which was totally void of any respect.  Grayson is like the child who doesn't know not to cross the line. Children like Grayson do not belong in elective office. They belong to have their mouths washed out with soap, and sent to bed without dinner (Grayson could use to skip a few meals anyway).

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