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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joe Wilson Introduces Bill to AUDIT PORKULUS Spending

To put it kindly there have been many issues with the execution of the stimulus bill, which was passed by the progressive Democrats in Congress nine months ago without so much as peeking at what was in it.

After the bill was passed the American Public was assured that everything would be OK, after all the SCHMOTUS, Joe Biden was going to make sure. On March 12th Biden, told us that we were going to be protected from stupid uses of the $787 billion dollar stimulus money:
So if this -- six months from now, if the verdict on this effort is that we've wasted the money, we built things that were unnecessary, or we've done things that are legal but make no sense, then, folks, don't look for any help from the federal government for a long while. They're going to make sure -- the folks in the House and in the Senate are going to make sure you wear the jacket, not them.
This is a big deal -- this is a big deal. It's also being closely watched not just by me, but by the President, and by Mr. Devaney, who is one of the most respected IGs we have in the federal government, and is known by many of you. And it's also being watched by the taxpayers and it's being watched by the media.
That's right because NOBODY messes with Joe!

Despite all of that oversight from our Vice President and President, our money has been thrown to hundreds of really stupid projects. My particular favorite is the $300,000 spent on Mapping Radioactive Rabbit Feces (there are something you just cant make up).

Then of course there are all of those jobs created and saved. No economist had ever heard the term until the SHMOTUS started using it, and most will tell you that it was among the most ridiculous things they had ever heard. And they used this bogus measurement in bogus ways, You remember things like three jobs saved by a lawn-mower, or the $6 million in stimulus money give to Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s pollster to preserve three jobs (I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that the Clinton campaign still owed Penn's firm tons of money). Many of these bogus saved or created jobs were in 440 congressional districts that didn't exist (I was thinking of running for Congress myself in New York's 71st Congressional District).

The bottom line is the third of the Porkulus budget that has been spent has been horribly mismanaged. Before much more of it gets wasted, it is important to understand what went wrong and how does it get fixed.

Yesterday Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC), Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA), Congressman Mark Souder (R-IN), and Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL) demanded an independent audit of stimulus funds.

The four congressmen introduced H.R. 4219, the National Commission on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The bill will create a ten member panel, appointed by the President and Democrat and Republican leaders in the House and Senate. The commission will go over the stimulus projects with a fine toothed comb and will give us the answer of many jobs have actually been saved or created by the porkulus bill the circumstances in which those jobs have been saved or created; and, the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent the improper payment of funds. Following the investigation, the Commission will make recommendations on what changes could be made to save or create more jobs and what steps can be taken to prevent the improper allocation of taxpayer dollars (no more radioactive Bunny poop).
Congressman Joe Wilson said: “It’s time for Congress to demand answers on behalf of the hardworking taxpayers that we represent. The misnamed stimulus is one of the largest spending bills in our nation’s history and it is critical that American taxpayers receive adequate answers as to the whereabouts of stimulus funds. I can not fathom how Hillary Clinton’s pollster received $6 million to preserve just three jobs when that could sustain dozens of South Carolina’s families for life. I urge Speaker Pelosi to consider our legislation to ensure full accountability of every stimulus dollar spent.”
There was a provision for an auditing body set up to monitor the Porkulus built into the bill:
(a) Establishment.--There is established the Recovery Independent Advisory Panel. (b) Membership.--The Panel shall be composed of 5 members who shall be appointed by the President......
Panel shall make recommendations to the Board on actions the Board could take to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse relating to covered funds...
Since the president of "the most transparent administration in history" and the Speaker of the House who was going to clean up congress have not moved to impanel this monitoring committee, Congressmen Wilson, Kingston, Souder and Miller have introduced this bill.

To remind the Speaker of House that her job is more than just accusing our heroes in the CIA of lying to Congress, Congressman Wilson has set up a petition to urge the Progressives in Congress to remember their fiduciary responsibilities and pass H.R. 4219 to set up the Auditing Commission. I urge you to go to and sign the petition


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