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Friday, January 29, 2010

Jon Stewart Absolutely SKEWERS Chris Matthews' "I Forget he Was Black"

During the MSNBC Coverage of the State of the Union Chris Matthews said something totally stupid, in a now famous gaffe, Mr. Tingle Down My Leg said:
"I was trying to think about who he was tonight. And uh, it's interesting. He is post-racial, by all appearances. You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour...."
Last night Jon Stewart had an absolutely great time Skewering Matthews' racist comment, watch the video below (if you can't see video click here)

I think that people are being too hard on Matthews, there has to be a logical explanation for the stupid comment. How bout this, what if the media is correct? What if Obama really is the "Chosen One." What if every Wednesday the POTUS changed his skin color so he can go out into the world and understand how the other half lives.  Matthews works for MSNBC, they are in bed with the president, he would know the president's power.  The President's SOTU was on a Wednesday, a day the "Chosen One" usually changed into a Caucasian, he would obviously want to appear to the nation as an African American because that is what they are used to seeing. Now What if Matthews meant to say, I forgot he was black today because of the speech?

You don't believe this explanation is possible? Well it has to be, the only other explanation is that Chris Matthews made a very racist statement, and you know that Liberals are never racists.


GeronL said...

Its been good to see that some comedians are starting to take pot shots at the left. Even though they're just making fun at a channel almost nobody watches.

tsiya said...

Hasn't Chrissy ever known an intelligent black American before?
There are many of them, but evidently none in Chrissy's social circle!

Uthaclena said...

Chris Matthews is a LEFTIE?!? Who knew... I thought he was just another Corporate Stooge!!