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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Congressman Alan Grayson Displays Delusions of Sanity: Says Anti-Obamacare Urologist is Racist

As a member of the Federal Government Florida Congressman Alan Grayson is as useful as a screen door on a submarine. The Congressional embarrassment lives by the motto, If you can't say anything divisive, don't say it. Grayson's latest act of nastiness involves one of his constituents, a urologist named Dr. Jack Cassell.

Cassell gained notoriety by hanging a sign on his front office door saying:


Cassell went on to explain that he would not turn any patent away.

Entering into the discussion is the congressman who makes bulls in a china shop seem like a good idea. Alan Grayson says its a racial issue:
A doctor who posted a sign at his practice asking Obama supporters to seek care "elsewhere" will end up denying service to many African Americans, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) said Friday.
"Well, in fact, where he lives, in Mount Dora, which is in my district, many, many of the Democrats who live in Mount Dora happen to be African-Americans," Grayson said on CNN. "So, by saying that he will not treat somebody who supported Obama, he's saying that he's not going to treat a large number of African-Americans in the community."
"How many people walked in -- walked up to his front door, saw the sign, and turned away?" he asked. "How many people referred from other physicians in the community, including primary care physicians, how many patients saw that sign and walked away?"
 It is not surprising that Grayson would bring race into a non-racial issue. Just last week he accused Congressman Cantor of using Nazi tactics after the Virginia Republican announced that he was facing anti-Semitic threats.  Maybe its time for Grayson to take the advice he gave to Vice President Cheney during a TV appearance. He told the former VP to STFU. That's what Grayson should do, just STFU!

I get the feeling that's what Anderson Cooper wanted to tell the Congressman in the video below:

1 comment:

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Gee. I wonder how Mr Grayson votes? Would the video on Grayson's Congress site with Bill Maher tend to be any indication? Nah; I'm sure Mr Grayson is completely open-minded.

Might I suggest that a better word would be "vacuous"?