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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Federal Election Committee Rules-Its Cool To Say Alan Grayson Is Nuts

Alan Grayson, the village Idiot of Congress is known for being nasty to just about everyone who disagrees with him, whether it be a former Vice President (a Vampire) or a consultant in the treasury department (k street whore), so it wasn't surprising when, like most bullies, the freshman congressman began to whine when he began to recieve his own medicine.

Back in December, Grayson took such offense at a parody website aimed at unseating him that he asked that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the Lake County activist who started the anti-Grayson website “” The picked its name...well, because its true.

Grayson's four-page complaint highlight charged that website founder Angie Langley lies because of the fact that Ms Langley lives outside his district, but that Langley still uses the term “my” in “”

“Ms. Langley has deliberately masqueraded as a constituent of mine, in order to try to create the false appearance that she speaks for constituents who don’t support me,” writes Grayson. “[She] has chosen a name for her committee that is utterly tasteless and juvenile.”

The FEC ruled today and dismissed Grayson’s complaint that political organization was deceptive in its efforts to raise funds to attack him because of the word "my" in the blogs title. (besides he really is a nut)
Grayson’s complaint, filed with the FEC in November, accused the group’s founder, Angela Langley, of disingenuously soliciting funds to attack him. Grayson argued that Langley claimed to be an unhappy constituent of his, although in reality, she resides in a Florida district not under the congressman’s jurisdiction.

“The FEC recognized that Angie Langley lied. Unfortunately, the statute does not expressly prohibit liars from lying,” Julie Tagen, Grayson’s chief of staff, told OpenSecrets Blog.

A Democrat representing the far-left flank, Grayson has become a household name to liberals across the nation for his willingness to stand up for progressive issues in Congress -- or at least talk about them on TV, where he routinely appears to attack Republican policies, if not the party at large.

In an official response filed to the FEC, an attorney representing Langley and scoffed at Grayson’s complaint.

“Regardless of the facts offered by Rep. Grayson in support of his claims, his complaint fails to establish any relevant legal basis for action by the Commission,” he wrote.

Indeed, the FEC agreed. It noted in its decision that even if there was proof that Langley falsely identified herself as a constituent of Grayson’s, such misrepresentation is not illegal under campaign finance law. The committee also found little to back-up Grayson’s claim that Langley misrepresented's affiliation with a particular candidate in order to avoid contribution limits.
According to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics, MyCongressmanIsNuts .com has raised almost $22,000 during the 2010 election cycle. Grayson has raised more than $3.1 million for his re-election bid during the same time period.

Truth is when you take stock of where he got is dollars it seem that Grayson will be beholden to other traditional progressive lenders:

Rank  ↓ Contributor  ↓ Total  ↓ Indivs  ↓ PACs  ↓
1 ActBlue $62,112 $62,112 $0
2 $16,799 $16,799 $0
3 Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union $15,000 $0 $15,000
4 Life Insurance Settlement Assn $12,000 $3,500 $8,500
5 Credit Union National Assn $11,300 $0 $11,300
6 American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 AmeriPAC: The Fund for a Greater America $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 BRIDGE PAC $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 International Assn of Fire Fighters $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 Ironworkers Union $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 Operating Engineers Union $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 PAC to the Future $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 Teamsters Union $10,000 $0 $10,000
6 Wyndham Worldwide $10,000 $0 $10,000
15 DRC Emergency Services $9,400 $9,400 $0
16 Deshpande Inc $9,100 $9,100 $0
17 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $9,000 $0 $9,000
18 National Air Traffic Controllers Assn $8,500 $0 $8,500
19 Issa Homes $7,800 $7,800 $0
20 American Federation of Teachers $7,500 $0 $7,500
20 Democrats Win Seats PAC $7,500 $0 $7,500

Maybe Grayson may be a nut job, but he sure has a but he sure has many friends in very high places.

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