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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MORE Stupid Alan Grayson Tricks

There are very few issues where Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and I agree. Perhaps the one area  where we have the most common ground is that Florida Congressman Alan Grayson is a nut-job, or as Weiner said back in October, " Is this news to you that this guy’s [Grayson] one fry short of a Happy Meal?”

Grayson is the embodiment of the nastiness that turns off voters. He is a master at the progressive style of political argument,"do not bring up facts, call them names."

His latest nastiness on the floor of the House occurred just the other day when he made a speech before what seems to be a crowd of 7 congressmen saying that Republicans are opposing the extension of unemployment benefits because they want children to dig through garbage to find something to eat, forgetting the fact that the GOP supported the benefits, as long as there was a way to pay for them. For example there is still a pot of stimulus funds left unspent.

Congressman Alan Grayson is an embarrassment to both his home state of Florida and the Congress he sits in. Hopefully he will be defeated when he runs for reelection this November.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alan Grayson announce he was voting for health care early. My Opinion is Mr Grayson Will vote for any bill that will put more Americans out of work Create higher taxes on everyone and call it a tax increase on the RICH. Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are Mr Grayson Idols. Just look at his voting record he is so proud of.
Mr Grayson is to arrogant, he is truly Mr Obama go to man he has been for Cap and trade Vote for ever tax increase while in office. Mr Grayson is one of the biggest reason unemployment is so high he believes the unions will cure all problems. 90 percent of all employment is by private industries and who wants all of Mr Grayson tax increases? When Mr Bush was President cost to hire a new employee was around 35 percent. After Mr Grayson tax increases small employers will have to pay the Government around 65 percent in taxes. What is the incentive to hire anyone??
As long as Congress continues to embrace socialism with Mr Grayson help Private enterprise will continue to move jobs over seas
Mr Grayson phone rang off the hook asking him to not vote for more tax increases . Mr Grayson wasn't interested in his constituent opinion. Mr Grayson has voted for embrassed every tax increase Nancy Pelosi has ask him to vote for. Florida does not need more of Mr.Grayson Tax increases. As and independent let's replace Mr Grayson. His replacement doesn't know who he works for we can replace him next. Obama has to be stop and Mr Grayson has proven he is one of the go to guys.