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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Assange Bombshell Video: WikiLeaks Asked White House is There Anything We Can't Release?

Its hard to come up with the right word to cuss out WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for facilitating the release of the 91,000 documents that in all probability put many lives in danger. The Austrialian government certainly thinks so (Assange is a native Australian)
The Australian Defence Association (ADA) states on July 28, 2010, that Assange and his website WikiLeaks "could have committed a serious criminal offence in helping an enemy of the Australian Defence Force (ADF)" and "Moreover, as an Australian citizen, Wikileaks' Julian Assange may also be guilty of a serious criminal offence by assisting an enemy the ADF is fighting on behalf of all Australians, especially if the assistance was intentional
Could the “the White House” have been complacent in the release of the most dangerous of the documents. In an interview with Judge Napalitano for his Saturday Morning show on FBC (and promoted on Shepard Smith's show)  Assange claims to have contacted the White House weeks ago and offered them the opportunity to provide WikiLeaks with criteria for reviewing the documents as to ensure no lives would be put in danger by the release. Assange said WikiLeaks received no response from the White House.

Shepard Smith had John Hunt check with the White House who said they were never contacted by Assange. Then Hunt contacted Assange who said was that they contacted the White House through the New York Times. Hunt pointed out that statement was consistent with Robert Gibbs earlier statement that White House was in contact with the New York Times about the release of the documents before WikiLeaks published them.

Watch the video below and you decide:

1 comment:

Ron Russell said...

Honestly, this would not surprise me. I think Obama would like nothing better than to find some way to pull out of Afghanistan. It was a good campaign line, but his heart is not in this war and his base is strongly against it. Afghanistan is a real problem as long as we fight with one hand behind our back. Everytime we enter a conflict and allow the enemy to have santuary from whick to operate we enter a no win situation like Vietnam and Korea. A few drones with hellfires will not make a dent in those forces in the mountains of Pakistan and we are only fooling ourselves by thinking so. Wikileaks and the White House may have the same agenda as I see it.