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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Must Watch Video:Dana Loesch Makes Elliot Spitzer Look Stupid on CNN

Former Assistant US Attorney, NY Governor and Client #9 Eliot Spitzer made the mistake of having Dana Loesch on his Parker&Spitzer CNN show tonight. Not that Dana's appearance was anything short of her usual intelligent, forceful, and entertaining advocacy of the conservative position, but because she totally destroyed the TV Host.

When confronted with the typical progressive attacks during a TV appearance, Dana doesn't get crazy and start yelling, but in a calm voice she takes the argument apart piece by piece. Today Ms Loesch made the Assistant US Attorney-turned-CNN Host look like he had never read the Constitution.  At the end of the discussion Spitzer had the same funny guilty look on his face that a kid has when they have been scolded by their mom.

Spitzer seemed intent on making every tea party candidate look like an idiot, so he went right after Christine O' Donnell's statement that Separation of Church and State was not in the constitution. As a matter of fact O'Donnell is correct:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
See not there! Whether you agree with whether there should be a separation of Church and State or not, any first year law student should know that the original reason for the make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; was to keep the Federal government from trying to control religion. Many of the individual states already had their "official" religion. The Founders were trying to establish freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Separation of Church and state was added later through Judicial Review.

Loesch was citing constitutional chapter and verse on this and other constitutional arguments, and Spitzer was stuck with a stupid look in his face trying to argue but clearly out matched or maybe he just failed constitutional law in school. Either way in case you weren't one of the 32 people who watched the show live,  enjoy the video below:
(if you cannot see video click here)

BTW If you are not Familiar with Dana Loesch you should be. She hosts a radio show,The Dana Show, on KFTK 97.1 FM, she is a tea party activist, one of the founders of the St. Louis Tea Party, and most recently she has taken over as the editor of Big Journalism. In her short tenure she has risen to become the second best writer on the site (although my wife says she is number one and I have fallen to number two).


SBVOR said...

At least we have an easy way to remember who brought this nitwit back into our living rooms. It was:


Anonymous said...

Elliot Spitzer has quickly learned how to be an unbalanced talking head. Instead of listening he either changes the subject or mocks the arguments of his guest without a rebuttal. It's a shame that the level of discourse is so poor.

No wonder his ratings are already in the tank.

Unknown said...

Are you retarded, she came across as a complete moron... No reasonable counter-argument at all. Spitzer called her out and she came off looking like your typical nonsensical, non-compassionate, conservative hypocrite. How can you even make an argument for keeping in pre existing conditions. I also enjoyed her unprepared response in regards to how spending cuts would be made to the budget... too funny...

Borf said...

Dana Loesch has a new fan -- she's fantastic!

That being said, and not to take anything away from the amazing Ms. Loesch, it wouldn't be hard to make Spitzer look stupid, as he does most of the work himself.

grassrootsconservative said...

Ad hominem attacks from the former governor. What a schmuck.