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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Moonbats Claim That Global Warming is About To Ruin Thanksgiving

Usually its your drunk brother-in-law,  the cousin who starts spewing homages to the Obamessiah, or your team's quarterback throwing a last minute interception that is returned for a last-minute interception that ruins your Thanksgiving. In the future it will be global warming, at least that's what the global warming moonbats claim.

According to the proponents of the Al Gore hoax the cost and available of your favorite Turkey-Day foods will be affected by global warming. Warmer temperatures can impact turkey meat texture, appearance and taste especially white meat while water shortages could  lead to more costly plant-based foods and beverages. Which means that  pumpkins, sweet potatoes, potatoes, grains, green beans may be more expensive in the future.
Pasty, dry turkey meat along with expensive fruits, vegetables and potatoes could be on the horizon if more variable extremes in regional weather patterns continue as a likely result of climate change, indicates author Neville Gregory.

The usual star of the Thanksgiving Day feast, roast turkey, could suffer in quality as a result.

"Climate change could affect meat quality in two ways," Gregory, a professor in animal welfare physiology at the University of London's Royal Veterinary College, explains. "First, there are direct effects on organ and muscle metabolism during heat exposure which can persist after slaughter."

Prior studies have demonstrated that heat stress can increase the risks of what's known as "pale, soft, exudative" (PSE) meat. According to Purdue University Animal Sciences, PSE meat "is characterized by its pale color, lack of firmness, and fluid dripping from its cut surfaces. When cooked, this meat lacks the juiciness of normal meat."

As a second climate change impact, Gregory believes "changes in livestock and poultry management practices in response to hazards that stem from climate change could indirectly lead to changes in meat quality."

Pre-conditioning broilers to heat stress to encourage better survival during transport, for example, could lead to more variable breast meat taste, appearance and texture.

Earlier research by other scientists found that when turkey toms were heat stressed during the last five weeks of their rearing period, the lower quality PSE characteristics surfaced. When this condition didn't develop, acute heat stress could, Gregory reports, "make breast meat tougher."

Other studies mentioned by Gregory determined "that breast meat can be tougher following pre-slaughter heat stress, or that it may develop a stronger rigor." Chewy turkey white meat could therefore be possible.
I guess that gives me two more things to be thankful for, one that I like the dark meat, the other that the whole man-made global warming deal is a hoax.

For the rest of you

 Enjoy ravaging a decapitated carcass of a turkey, and watching grown men fighting over an inflated sac made from the epidermis of a swine.

In other words Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Batya said...

Considering their track record, of course they're wrong. Enjoy the dark meat. It's healthier, more iron etc.