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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Louisiana Senator Opposes ‘Lights Out’ Energy Policy

By Tom Pyle

Impugning a disturbing trend from the White House, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu noted “This administration has failed to use every opportunity they’ve been provided to reassure the (oil and gas) industry that they actually believe they have a future in this country.”

Considering the hastily levied six-month moratorium on offshore drilling operations, the ongoing permitting freeze on new offshore projects, and the President’s call for new taxes specifically targeting our oil and gas sector, it’s not surprising that Sen. Landrieu and the 9 million workers whose jobs are at stake may feel slighted. The administration’s offshore drilling ban had eliminated an estimated 20,000 jobs as of September 2010 and new taxes touted by Obama would wipe out an additional 150,000 jobs in 2011 alone. The President and his congressional allies seem to regard jobs loss in America’s traditional energy field as little more than political collateral damage.

Oil and natural gas represent 62 percent of the U.S. energy portfolio, and domestic production of these resources increases our energy security and reduces reliance on imports from foreign unstable regimes. On the other hand, so-called “green” energy sources (including hydropower) account for 8 percent of our national energy usage, despite receiving nearly 14 times more government support than traditional oil and gas. Yet the White House has decided to take an adversarial approach to an industry that continues to support the government with $100 billion annually in income taxes.

If Sen. Landrieu is correct and our national leadership continues to place roadblocks in the way of domestic production, we could face a dark future. Literally. As energy prices soar and hundreds of thousands of jobs are eliminated, something as simple as turning on the lights will require a second thought.

Tom Pyle is the president of the American Energy Alliance.

This post was cross-posted with permission from Liberty Pundits


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