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Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Tea Party...Deep In The Heart of Texas

Any regular readers of these pages will know that I consider Anita MonCrief a national hero. A former employee of ACORN, Anita's incredible testimony before Congress helped to blow the scandalous workings of ACORN wide-open (not that the progressive led Congress or DOJ cared). Since her testimony Anita has kept fighting for America, she is dedicated to fighting government corruption, insuring voting procedure integrity, and identifying fully qualified Conservatives run for political office. She blogs at (which should be a regular read) and is the National Spokes Person for

Ms MonCrief is adding to her already full plate of work helping to establish a Tea Party presence in African American communities across the country.

Ms. MonCrief will be working in Houston to help the Crispus Attucks Tea Party identify and prepare Conservative candidates for upcoming elections.  Representative White was recently selected by Constituents of Angelina, San Jacinto, Trinity and Tyler Counties to represent them in Texas House District 12.  House District 12 is located in East Texas which was a Ku Klux Klan territory and is a predominately White House District.  Texas is especially proud of the fact that Representative White’s character and the content of his message carried the day and with Tea Party help he won his seat with a substantial margin.  Texas continues to lead the way for all other states in many ways.  Texas and America are entering a period where “Content and Character are indeed more important than Color”.  

Their  primary objective is to break the cycles of dependency and decay that continue to anesthetize and hold captive too many Black families and neighborhoods.  They will  provide continuing series of speakers, seminars, training and practical business support services designed to help Blacks fully assimilate into and be competitive in American society.  Their objective is to teach all Americans the fullness of the history of Blacks in America and to help Blacks gain control of their lives and the destiny of their children.  Only by understanding our full and true history will we all of America be liberated. 

Lessons learned from decades of intrusive Social Engineering, Social Justice Policies and the Welfare State are left out of text books and routinely ignored by those profiting from them, however, they cannot be denied.  One need only take a walk through what is left of our Black communities.  Houston’s “Sugar Hill” became 3rd Ward which was a thriving Black enterprise zone without any government programs or subsidies.  Enter stage left, “The Great Society” which offered “An FDR Chicken In Every Pot” and “An LBJ Check In Every Mail Box”.  Now Houston’s 3rd Ward looks like a war zone and Black families are almost extinct.  Spawned in the ‘60’s, these social engineering experiments, government programs and the arrogant utopian value systems which produced them, continue to produce urban decay, increasing cyclical welfare dependency, increasing tax burdens (for those who pay taxes), the demise of the Black family, fatherless homes, skyrocketing out of wedlock births, more abortions than births, a rise in Black militancy and separatist activity and theft of real political power from all of those living in Black neighborhoods.  

Neither political party has been intellectually honest with itself or Blacks.  The Crispus Attucks Tea Party unleashes the anesthetized political giant rendered helpless by an unending stream of government programs funded by tax dollars.  Programs, welfare checks and the demise of pride and the work ethic have robbed Blacks of their identities and their dignity.  They have devastated Black neighborhoods and rendered them politically and economically impotent.  The Crispus Attucks Tea Party will shift political power away from race bating politicians, games of ‘Three Card Monty” played by highly skilled political operators and race hustlers who base all political activities and campaigns on race.  Operating within Black districts these charlatans have proven incapable of acting in the best interest of those they claim to represent.

The Crispus Attucks Tea Party is part of America’s rapidly growing Tea Party movement.  Starting with Houston’s 3rd Ward, it will focus all of the power amassed across America by the Tea Party movement directly into targeted Black neighborhoods across America.  Yes !! .. Our army operates .“Inside The Belly Of The Beast”.  The Crispus Attucks Tea Party is a non-partisan, neighborhood movement.  It provides a base of operations for the descendants of Black Slavery who realize that welfare checks and government dependency are key elements of their destruction.  The corresponding destructive cycles have destroyed lives, families and their neighborhoods.  Government dependency holds Blacks hostage.  It precludes true liberty and forever blocks full assimilation.  Our mission includes building series of strong neighborhood operating bases made of business people, elected officials, Constituents and Voters, living and working in “hostile areas”.  Intellectually honest Constituents living in Black neighborhoods want them to be safe and to thrive while becoming less dependent on the tax dollars of others.  These Constituents want disciplined classrooms and globally competitive educations for their children.  They want full control of the schools, stores, businesses within their neighborhoods and real futures for their children.  These things will come only when Constituents living in these neighborhoods feel that they are worthy of them. The Crispus Attucks Tea Party will help Blacks take those steps forward.  The Tea Party moves .. “Into The Belly Of The Beast”.

The Crispus Attucks Tea Party promotes and fights for the founding principles originally defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Our core principles include personal responsibility, education, a constrained and transparent government, a balanced budget, self sufficiency, full assimilation and the development of viable Black businesses …. that create jobs.  We identify & vet viable Conservative candidates that are willing to fight for our mission, our principles and the issues we embrace.  Candidates and elected officials who are commitment to American, want to maximize the value American Citizenship, share our values and demonstrate full support of our issue oriented efforts are welcome to support them.  For more information on our inaugural meeting or the Crispus Attucks Tea Party, please send inquiries to

This inaugural meeting on January 18th will be a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday and his leadership.  It will also be a celebration of all of those who blazed trails for other Americans and especially for those who have advanced the full assimilation and liberty of the descendants of America’s Black slaves.  America is entering a period in time where “Content and Character are indeed more important than Color” for those who prepare themselves to be competitive.  That too is worth celebrating.

That first meeting will be held at at “This Is It” Soul Food Restaurant, located at 2712 Blodgett, in the heart of Houston’s 3rd Ward.  Supporting “This Is It” and enjoy a buffet dinner at 5:30 pm and socialize with other guests.  The meeting will begin sharply at 6:30.  Guest speakers will include recently elected Texas State House Representative James Earl White, House District 12 and Anita MonCrief, National Spokesperson for 

Please RSVP to

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