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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Romney Takes Lead in Real Clear Politics Average for First Time

The important thing about polls for the presidential race are the trends. The Real Clear Politics (RCP) number (which an average of major polls) did show a tie between Romney and Obama just after the  Democratic Convention, but based on the "bounce" Governor Romney has seen since the first debate Romney has topped Obama in the RCP for the first time since 2011.

This reflects a national average, but understand that November 6th is not a national election-- it's 50 state-wide elections. So the national number is exciting but not as exciting as the news that certain swing states, including Ohio, Nevada and Michigan are tightening up.

1 comment:

LibertyAtStake said...

This trend will continue to swing toward Mittens as the underlying polls RCP averages switch from adults and registered voters to likely voters.