Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rest In Peace Andrew Ian Dodge--Blogger, Senate Candidate, A Compassionate Soul: Passed Away at Age 46

The article on Breitbart announcing the death of Andrew Ian Dodge hit me like a smack across the face. Even more so was the post Andrew wrote before his death but posted after he succored from cancer. It said in part
If you are reading this I will have succumbed to the forces of cancers that have been ravaging my body for the last little while. The last fight betwixt my body with the help of cancer treatment and cancer has not gone according to plan. The hordes of cancer plague entities have felled their host on the battlefield of life.

I want to write this statement to thank all those that have been so meaningful in my life, especially over the last few years. I want to thank those who have put up with my angst and drive. Thank you to my editors and co-writers who have worked with me on a variety of projects musical, creative and political. It has always been a great pleasure to know that strangers can become friends so quickly and help you produce things of merit in a very little while.
My most vivid memory of Andrew Ian Dodge is from my first trip to CPAC. Not knowing any body and since I had just switched from using a pseudonym to my real name, nobody knew me. So at the annual blogbash party I shyly sat alone on a couch in the corner.

Seeing me by myself, Andrew plopped himself down on the couch next to my and made me feel welcome.  Many of the friendships I have developed in the conservative blogging world began that night as everyone who came over to Andrew Ian Dodge to say hello was immediately introduced to me.

He ran for Senate in 2010 and I really hoped he would win. Not just because it would bring another conservative into the body, because our political system needed someone who had the compassionate heart of Andrew Ian Dodge.

May he rest in peace. 

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