Sunday, August 3, 2014

Do Democrats Regret Stripping (and Not Replacing) Anti-Hamas Language From Their 2012 Platform?

It was huge news when the story broke here 23 months ago-- four pro-Israel items were removed from the Democratic Platform, eventually one the one about Jerusalem was added back despite the objections of the convention at large.

Comparing the language of the 2008 Democratic Party Platform and the 2012 Democratic Party Platform it was found a key section containing four pro-Israel points was removed, it read:
The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel's right to exist, and abides by past agreements. Sustained American leadership for peace and security will require patient efforts and the personal commitment of the President of the United States. The creation of a Palestinian state through final status negotiations, together with an international compensation mechanism, should resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees by allowing them to settle there, rather than in Israel. All understand that it is unrealistic to expect the outcome of final status negotiations to be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949. Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel.The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.
Each of these items is crucial to Israel and each have been key areas of contention for those who believe this President has not been friendly to the Jewish State. Each of those item's were removed at the request of a the president (nothing gets on the platform without the approval of the candidate especially when the candidate is a sitting president.

Eventually the Jerusalem phrase was added back (sort of). The convention leadership anxious not to embarrass the president announced a vote added the provision back despite he fact that the voice vote indicated it had been overwhelmingly defeated.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, the head of the Democratic National Convention, got up and asked for a two-thirds vote on the amendments to the platform. He took a voice vote, with people stating aloud “aye” and “nay.”

The first time, he couldn’t determine if two-thirds of the voters had said “aye”; a loud “no” vote was heard. He asked for a second vote.

The second time, he couldn’t determine whether the voice vote had passed. Again. Villaraigosa looked around in confusion.

Finally, on the third attempt, Villaraigosa took a voice vote and simply declared, in the “opinion of the chair,” that it had been passed. There were widespread boos in the convention hall to the renewed inclusion of God and language about Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And Villaraigosa was lying, in any case – there is no way that the voice vote had passed. Opponents stood up and protested, waving and shouting. The fix was in.
One of the provisions not added back involved Hamas:
The United States should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism.
The removal of that line was an indication that Obama was about to give this group legitimacy. He had already done it with Hamas' parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood when it took over Egypt, admonishing the Egyptian people when they threw of the yoke of the Brotherhood's oppression. Hamas' and Muslim Brotherhood partners in the US continue to be accepted by, and promoted by liberal members of Congress and the Obama Administration.

When Hamas joined the Palestinian Authority government, the Obama administration rushed to broadcast it's approval of the government despite the fact the terrorist group continued its call to continue terrorism until its goal to destroy Israel was reached.

Many outside of Israel believe that John Kerry's 7-day cease  fire plan of two weeks ago was an example of the administration abandoning the isolation of Hamas. For example David Ignatius, liberal commentator in the Washington Post wrote:
Any deal that reinforces Hamas’s stranglehold — rather than building a path toward change of government, elections and eventual disarmament — is misconceived. In the name of stopping bloodshed this week, it all but guarantees it in the future.
Getting back to the question asked in the title of this post, the answer is no.  President Obama wanted all four items out of the 2012 platform because it reflects the opinion of the administration and much of the Democratic party.

Highlighting the recent polls, another Bush administration Jewish liaison, Tevi Troy, said in the Hill over the weekend,
“Democratic voters are much less likely to be supportive of Israel and Republicans voters are overwhelmingly supportive. That means that, if you are a Democratic politician and you are speaking to your base, the audience that you’re speaking to has a less than 50-50 shot of being pro-Israel.
The real question is why hasn't the Republican party taken advantage of this movement. While it is very doubtful a majority of the Jewish vote will go GOP in the next election (or the election after that, there an opportunity for a significant shift.

When asked the question how important Israeli is to their vote, most of the time a Jew will answer not very...but when there is a significant shift in US policy toward Israel, there is a shift in the Jewish vote as well. 

The two biggest recent shifts in Jewish vote occurred when a president perceived as anti-Israel ran for reelection. Jimmy Carter 71% to 45% (in the total vote Carter dropped by 9%) and George HW Bush who went from 35% to 11% (total vote dropped by 15%).

The 2012 election saw Obama's percentage of the total vote drop by 4.5% half that of the drop in the Jewish vote which shifted by 9%.

As the Democratic party continues its shift away from the support of Israel,  it is time for the Republican part to start broadcasting that shift.  The bottom line is the  Democrats do not regret removing the anti-Hamas language from their platform....leaving an opening to start shifting a vote that may be ripe for the taking.


  1. Excellent point. The GOP should make a big deal of this.

  2. The only reason Hamas isn't chanting "Death To America!" is because there are still Jews alive.

    I believe that Hamas and socialists all over the world are both lying, and there is no bond between them. They have nothing in common other than a mutual hatred for capitalism. Each party in this relationship believes it is using the other. That's the only reason that Hamas isn't physically trying to destroy leftists, and why leftists won't speak an ill-word about Hamas. While they both seek absolute social control of the world community, they cant both be in charge.

    The same goes for Islamists everywhere. The left doesn't admire their ideology. The left admires their methodology and their results. 'The ends', they believe, 'justify any means' they decide to employ.

  3. Jewish Americans voted overwhelmingly for King Putt in the last two elections. They've only themselves to blame.

  4. I don't get it either. I was raised Reform Jewish, which is very liberal Jewish. I'm not liberal in my beliefs about life (liberal Jewish is not the same as liberal Jew), rather somewhat conservative. The more I see the libs taking over, the more conservative I become.

    Anyway, what really saddens and bothers me is that I believe that the same Jews you refer to, who voted in this abomination of a President would happily get on the trains to modern-day concentration camps, if only Obama asked nicely. Any Jew worth his or her salt would kill the person who tried to make them or their family board any transportation conveyance against their will. But American Jews today seem suicidal in their behavior (voting records).

    I hope and pray that I'm wrong, but it's hard to ignore the evidence.

  5. I think of it as the Democrat Shtetl.


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