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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fiorina Pokes The Bear, "Mr. Trump's Going To Be Hearing Quite A Lot From Me."

It was Carly Fiorina's turn to sit down with CNBC's John Harwood over lunch, the two met in New Hampshire  on Sunday for an interview released on debate day Sept. 15.  And the former Hewlett Packard executive proved she has no fear of Trump and indicated that Trump should be a bit nervous over her.
Wednesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Fiorina will come face to face with the Republican front-runner who has attacked her record as Hewlett-Packard CEO, mocked her appearance, and declared that even the sound of her voice gives him "a massive headache." In a predebate Speakeasy interview, Fiorina warned with a chuckle: "Mr. Trump's going to be hearing quite a lot from me."
Fiorina started by going after Trump's business record including that he sometimes exaggerated the value of his real estate because as he said, "Who wouldn't?" She continued by explaining why her estimates had to be honest.
"Donald Trump and I are in totally different businesses," she said. "He's in the entertainment business. And he's also in a privately held business.

"In the business I was in, we had to report our results publicly, as you well know, in excruciating detail, quarter after quarter after quarter," she added. "And if I misrepresented those results or those projections I could be held criminally liable. If I had done it, I could have gone to jail. Those are his standards. I think my standards are what the American people would appreciate politicians or people running for office being held to."

Fiorina also doesn't buy Trump's explanation of his involvement in bankruptcy cases by saying he was making strategic use of the law. "If you file for bankruptcy four times," she said, "I think it suggests either lack of judgment or lack of discipline."
Raising Trump's sexism Fiorina said, "Donald Trump has said many things about other candidates," Fiorina concluded. "But he has not talked about their appearance."

It will be interesting to see how Trump, the counter puncher reacts to Carly Fiorina's digs at tonight's debate because he will react.  Apparently this is what she is looking for, Ms. Fiorina's job tonight will have less to do with Trump's words but how she answered them. Tonight may turn out to be a heck of a street fight between the two.

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