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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Condi Rice Pressures Israel to Commit Suicide

In what seems to be a weekly occurance, Condoleeza Rice United States Secretary of State and world class terrorist appeaser has pressured Israel into stopping its military actions bent on protecting its people from terrorist rocket fire. Sources within the Israeli Military have reported that indeed their hands have been tied once again by the hapless prime minister who's only wish is to please Rice who has compared the terrorist leaders to the great civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr.

Israel National News has reported that

Egyptian officials have been serving as mediators between Israel and Hamas to arrange an unofficial ceasefire, said Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah, who were quoted by the Jerusalem Post as saying "secret understandings" had been reached.

Both Israel and Hamas have publicly denied any such secret arrangement.

Defense Ministry officials also said they had not been informed of any ceasefire deal with Hamas.

But a military source said "There is restraint, even if undeclared." A senior government official expressed frustration with the quiet deal, saying "the new tacit arrangement… completely contradicts the cabinet's decision (to maintain pressure on Hamas –ed.) without proper procedure or cabinet approval."
Folks this is Suicide for Israel. Each time it lets Hamas "off the hook" the terrorist group takes the oppertunity to rearm and retool its tactics to adapt to what it learned in the latest battle. There may be a temporary reduction in attacks, but the operative word is temporary. Debka reports that the the terrorist ring around Israel is getting stronger every day

Israel’s new national intelligence report affirms that the United States’ declining role in the region has left a vacuum for radical elements to fill. Its authors, the chiefs of military intelligence, the Mossad, Shin Bet and the foreign ministry’s intelligence unit, warned of the heightened threat from missiles in the arsenals of a future nuclear-armed Iran (within two years) and Syrian. A Hizballah attack and a stronger Hamas were also in prospect.

In the coming two weeks, Syria, Iran, Hizballah and Hamas will be further tightening the military and terrorist loop around Israel – to the north, the south, and among Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, at the expense of Israel’s deterrent strength.

According to our military sources, Hizballah is completing its preparations for revenge on Israel, whom it accuses of killing its military commander Imad Mughniyeh last month. The latest estimate is that the Shiite terrorists will strike on the border and/or inside Israel, rather than hit overseas targets.

Israel’s prime minister Ehud Olmert steadily refuses to look these facts in the face and insists that Israel’s security situation has never been better.

Both he and foreign minister Tzipi Livni are still carefully treading the line drawn by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, whose main preoccupation these days is to keep foreign crises at bay for the rest of the Bush presidency.

In Jerusalem last week, Rice confided that to achieve a lull in the cross-border violence in Gaza, even concessions to Hamas were acceptable. This stance, which Israel accepted, substantially enhanced the Islamists’ bargaining position.

As the nation approaches its 60th anniversary, Israel is in the most precarious situation it has seen since the Roman Legions surrounded Jerusalem almost two thousand years ago. She has leaders who appease the terrorists who would destroy her, a world power who is breaking promises to allow her to defend herself and a religious political party (Shas) that has been bribed to break its promise to bring down the government.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

I'm so disgusted with Condi Rice that I can't put my disgust into words fit to print.