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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lazy Media Reruns Press Release, Calls it News, Blows Real Story of Socialist Led Rally

This is one of the ways you can tell when news organizations get lazy and simply regurgitates a press release. Yesterday, the Daily Caller ran a story Labor and liberal groups to hold Oct. 2 rally on Mall to counter Beck, Tea Party. A similar article with the same quotes was released by Bloomberg. The article is a whitewash of a get out the vote rally run by an organization whose priorities include; social justice, globalization, the plight of the Palestinian people against the "Apartheid policies of the government of Israel", justice for the Iraqi people against the US politicians who committed war crimes, and advocating there is nothing more evil than multi-national American Corporations.

The basics of the story are:
"Labor leaders, liberal religious leaders and the NAACP will hold a rally on the National Mall on October 2, one month before the fall midterm elections, in an attempt to show they too have political clout and momentum in response to last Saturday's massive gathering of Tea Party types led by Fox News host Glenn Beck.
"The AFL-CIO is determined that the Tea Party and its corporate backers are not going to get the final word," said AFL-CIO executive vice president Arlene Holt Baker. "We will expect tens of thousands of union families to come."

...Besides the NAACP, the Oct. 2 rally will be supported and organized by other labor organizations, such as the SEIU and the American Federation of Teachers."
If these news organizations actually researched what they were reporting, they would have discovered the story they were spoon-fed was a fabrication. Along with the unions, the organization organizing the rally, United for Peace and Justice, is directed by an all-star team of Marxist, Socialists and Communist organizations.

Participants in the rally called, One Nation, Working Together,include  
  • Green for All: founded by self-proclaimed communist Van Jones who was forced to resign from the Obama administration when it was discovered he was a 9/11 truther.
  • National Council of La Raza: which, along with other issues, is a sponsoring organization of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Coalition, which seeks to secure ever-expanding rights and civil liberties protections for illegal immigrants, and policy reforms that diminish or eliminate future restrictions on immigration.
  •  US Student Association: billed as a student advocacy group, it is an anti-war, pro-illegal immigrant group that also advocates divestment from Israel.
  • The Center for Community Change: which is funded by George Soros
The One Nation, Working Together get out the vote movement is led by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). 

United For Peace and Justice, started as an anti-war group, but has expanded its scope into promoting social justice, globalization, the plight of the Palestinian people against the "Apartheid policies of the government of Israel", justice for the Iraqi people against the US politicians who committed war crimes, and advocating the opinion that there is nothing more evil than American multi-national corporations

"UFPJ will seek to strengthen our alliances and working relationships with other forces in the antiwar movement, as well as the movements for global economic, environmental and social justice. Our international work will be based on respect for the sovereignty of other nations and a commitment to human rights and international law. We will support and seek cooperation with our sister organizations around the world, and we will act in solidarity with progressive groups and individuals within the United States and the nations occupied by U.S. forces."

The UFPJ's Steering Committee is composed of people from Marxist, progressive, or communist groups including Code Pink, Institute of Policy Studies, Western States Legal Foundation, Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, Communist Party USA, Alliance for Community Trainers, American Friends Service Committee, Brooklyn For Peace, National Immigration Solidarity Network, Desis Rising Up and Moving,  and US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation just to name a few.  At least two of the groups, Solidarity and US Campaign to End The Israeli Occupation, also have a history of Anti-Semitic activity.

The misreporting of the October 2 rally is not a matter of bias; it was caused by pure laziness. The assigned reporters read the press released and saw the possibility of a "food fight" between unions and tea parties and/or Glenn Beck. The October 2 rally has been is created and is being executed by organizations much more nefarious than simply counter-protesting a Glenn Beck or a Tea Party rally. Simple reporting would have enabled these news organizations to report the real story.


Unknown said...

When the robber barons were defeated by the labor movement, where did all the (would be) robber barons go?

They got jobs as union presidents.

As a result they highjacked the union movement and are using it to take control.

tsiya said...

Will they clean up their own trash this time?