As it is our tradition, at the end of each year we post which
stories you enjoyed the most based on total traffic the top fifty
posts of the year. I would be remiss not to mention those sites who threw me the most traffic during the year; Instapundit, Linkiest, Blogs Lucianne Loves, Bad Blue, Newsbusters and Powerline. THANK YOU Guys!
Today we present your top ten..if you click on the title
you can read the entire post:
10) Kimberlin's Cronies Go After The Lid June 8, 2012.
As I mentioned earlier this week today has been declared a national day
of blogger silence/action to protect blogger freedom of speech. Since
Ace suggested we use today to urge congress protect free speech the day
has taken on more significance to me personally, in June I was added to
the attack list as the site BrietbartUnmasked which is run by Brett
Kimberlin or his cronies started posting horrible internet slanders
about me..thanks to internet Nut-Job Debbie Schlussel.
09) Holy COW!! Federal Workers and Retirees Owe Almost $3.5 BILLION To The IRS January 26, 2012 Here's
a great idea that may help both the unemployment problem, the deficit
and, as the President would make sure at least one group pays it's fair
share of taxes. And I am sure it would be a bi-partisan policy. The idea
is simple force the 279,381 delinquent tax payers who work for the
federal govt., or are on a govt. pension pay the $3,420,168,684 in taxes
they owe the IRS. For the ones who are working, give them a month to
negotiate a payout plan with the IRS, if they don't first put a lien on
everything they own...then fire will free up the jobs for
unemployed tax payers. As for the retirees--freeze their assets and
dock their pensions.
08) James Earl Jones Is a Holocaust Denier and an Anti-Semite! July 10, 2012 The voice of Darth Vader uses some pretty wacko logic to decide that the Tea Party is racist, so I use Mr Jones' logic to determine what is in his heart.
07) Two Years Ago Today:Turbo-Tax Tim Wrote "Welcome To the Recovery" For NY Times August 2, 2012- Boy oh Boy, time flies when the economy stinks. It was two years ago
today during the first"recovery summer," Treasury Secretary Turbo-Tax Tim
Geithner penned an op-ed for the New York Times called "Welcome To The
In the piece Geithner detailed all the reasons why the economy had
turned the corner. The only problem with his little article is, once
the economy turned the corner it stopped dead in its tracks and over the
past few months has shown signs of retreating.
06) Joe Scarborough "Yes We're Biased, But It's ROMNEY'S FAULT"
September 14, 2012 There are certain things that can only be seen on MSNBC. They are biased with an attitude. Take for example Today's Morning Joe program. The program began with a discussion of the anti-American protests in the Middle East. Host Joe Scarborough segued into the conservative complaints with the
press coverage of the situation, that the media covered Romney's
statements instead of Obama's gaffes. He called the complaints valid,
but you know who he blamed for the press not doing it's job? Mitt
05) "Rabbi Obama" And The Shame Brought By Leaders of Conservative Judaism May 30,2012 In this post I take on the leaders of the branch of Jewry to which I belong. Yesterday afternoon President Obama and White House Chief of Staff Jack "Hey I'm Jewish and Love Obama"
Lew met with leaders of the Conservative Jewish movement. That's
Conservative Judaism, not conservative politically. The leadership of
Conservative Judaism, as well as much of the rabbinate is progressive
At the meeting those "Religious Leaders" listened to the President tell vicious lies about his critics and did not admonish the POTUS for Loshen Hora (evil tongue).
These Conservative Jewish leaders have thrown out their "higher
calling" their love of the Jewish state, and have begun to worship the
golden calf of big government and a progressive political theology
committed to replacing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well as
the Gods of other faiths.
04) The Top Things I Learned In The Hofstra Debate Spin Room October 10, 2012 This was my first-ever opportunity to cover a Presidential debate on-site
from the "media center" more commonly known as the spin room. In a different post I covered the actual going's on and political ramifications of the debate, but this post tried to give readers a feeling of what it's like to be in the spin room, and see all the debate coverage happen around them.
03) Julia's Son,"Barack Obama Ruined My Mother's Life" May 3,2012 I got a weird phone call from Zach NoPunim, he
claimed to be the son of Julia, the fake woman whose fake life was described on
Barack Obama's campaign web-site. Zach was very angry---he claimed the President got his mother's story
all wrong. He said Barack Obama ruined Julia's life. This was the story he told me.
02) Obama Selects Woman Who Wanted to Invade Israel As Chair of Genocide Panel April 23, 2012 Only Barack Obama! The same day Obama tried to show he was a friend of
the Jews with a beautifully crafted speech Holocaust Museum. Showing his
words mean nothing, also today Samantha Power began work today as chair
of President Barack Obama's new Atrocities Prevention Board.
If you don't remember Ms Power she once called for a US force to invade
Israel and force through a "peace settlement." Powers also had some
unflattering things to say about about America's Jewish population
during the 2008 campaign.
1) CBS' Laura Logan: Obama is Lying to You-Update Video of Lara Logan's Obama is Lying Speech October 7, 2012 The Lid was the first Blog with this story and the first on the net with the full video. 60 Minutes Correspondent Lara Logan delivered a keynote address at the
Better Government Association annual luncheon, which the Chicago Sun Times called “a provocative speech” to some 1,100 movers in government, politics, media, and the legal and corporate arenas.
The speech was more than provocative it was a warning to anyone who
wishes to hear. She explained that the Taliban, al Qaeda and its
proxies haven’t gone away and are in fact re-energized and coming back
in force. Logan also informed the crowd that a “lie” is
being propagated by the American government.
There you go YOUR picks for the top 50 posts of the year. Thank you so much for being a reader of "the Lid" and I look forward to spending a great 2013 with you.
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