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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Why Olmert Is Selling Out Israel

Why did Olmert do it? What would make him rush to sell out Israel to terrorists? He is going out of his way to give the terrorists time to rearm, release prisoners with blood on their hands, and to ignore the advice of his military advisers.... all for the promise of more bombs, and more kidnappings. Take a look at the latest news reports from Israeli media.

As the cease-fire in the Gaza Strip entered its second day on Monday, sources in the Central Command warned of the consequences of extending the truce to the West Bank, claiming it would lead to an escalation in anti-Israel terror activity. (jpost)

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal has threatened further kidnappings of Israeli troops on Monday afternoon, according to the Hamas affiliated Palestine Info website (Ynet)

Hamas spokesmen, on the other hand, denounced Olmert's statements as "a new conspiracy" against the Palestinians. Referring to Olmert's demand that the Palestinians relinquish the right of return for the refugees to their original homes inside Israel, Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas-led government said: "This is a conspiracy, especially since Olmert is trying to bypass the core of the Palestinian cause, namely the right of return for the refugees. This speech is lacking in clarity." (Jpost)

Olmert's troubling speech this morning demands rationale, so I wracked my brain looking for reasons why the Prime Minister of Israel would sell out his country. These are some possibilities but if you have any ideas please let me know.

Top Ten Reasons Why Olmert Is Selling Out Israel

  1. He secretly wants to be UN General Secretary, and the only way to get the job is to appear to be anti-Israel.
  2. His Passover Seders are getting boring, so he wants to liven it up by replacing enslavement to Egypt with enslavement to Islamic Terrorists.
  3. Olmert thinks that NY Knick coach Isaiah Thomas is about to be fired. He is trying to get thrown out of office so he can be ready to take over as coach and hang out wih tall guys in shorts.
  4. Three Words---American Idol auditions
  5. Its not really land for peace, its land for hair transplant. Olmert can finally get rid of that funny looking comb-over.
  6. He is nearing his 65th birthday, the age when all Jews MUST move to Florida. He wants Israel destroyed so he can move. Hey its the law.
  7. Olmert is just trying to help his mentor, Ariel Sharon. Every day more and more people are praying for the miracle of a Sharon recovery.
  8. Trying to impress that sexy chick, Louise Arbour, the UN High commissioner of Human rights.
  9. To save time from holiday shopping. Let’s face it the destruction of Israel, it’s just the perfect Christmas present most European leaders.
  10. He is just a F***ing moron


Bushwack said...

LOL, those must be the reasons, cause I can't think of any good reasons for him to do what he is doing.

Michael said...

I think you're onto something with that 10th reason.